Here is Quill Quickcard's most recent bug report:
Engineering- Players are able to take on both the Goblin and Gnomish engineering quests to learn both skills. However, all engineering recipes are available to both specialities. It seems that specializations cannot be unlearned from the professions menu. Furthermore, unlearning a specialty does not delete related recipes from the engineering menu.
Across all professions, recipes that are marked to give extra skills points for creating do not grant any extra points.
The fishing and cooking dailies do not grant skill increases as indicated.
Kizter Kahboom in Sorrowmurk (Swamp of Sorrows) does not sell anything.
The critter “Spider” has a strange thing going on with it’s name. Underneath the name of every spider critter it says “0.”
Quest Bugs:
The quest giver for the Thunder Bluff cooking and Fishing dailies does not appear.
The quest giver for the Undercity cooking and Fishing dailies lists all versions of their quests instead of only 1 per day.
Searing Gorge- For the quest Stir the Cauldron, the flight part of the quest does not function properly.
Eastern Plaguelands- The quest givers in Tyr’s Hand do not appear properly.
Multiple holiday quests are available at any time from the Commoners that appear in capital cities.
Swamp of Sorrows- Baba Bogbrew- NPC does not allow the use of the cannon for this quest.
Priest bugs:
Shadow Orbs do not occur from damage from Mind Flay or Shadow Word: Pain. Shadow Orbs from the talent Harnessed Shadows still occur when the victim of a critical strike, but not apparently from Mind Flay or Shadow Word: Pain damage.
Archaeology bugs:
Dig sites do not despawn or change location after being used.
Outland dig sites do not appear at all.
Northrend dig sites do not appear at all.
Completed artifacts do not list.
Sometimes, after completing an artifact, the system will not allow you to complete another in the same category. The fragments needed will list X/0. Relogging will allow more artifact crafting, however, often, that race of artifact will appear blank, as though it had no fragments at all, until a new fragment from that race is found via surveying.
The following archaeology achievements do not function: Digger, I Had It In My Hand, It’s Always In The Last Place You Look,
Fishing bugs:
Several fishing locations do not appear to result in any fish most of the time. I’ve noticed this most commonly occurs when fishing on the coastline.
Various quest items can be fished up in Orgrimmar and Ironforge when the quests are not active. These include items from the fishing dailies, but also quest items from Durotar (at least in Orgrimmar). Fished up items include Toxic Puddlefish, Sandy Carp, Scorpid Stinger, Crawler Mucus
Scholomance Bugs:
The door into the Scholomance instance does not open. Even turning on GM Mode does not allow accessing this door.
Guild Leveling:
Guild Experience earned is not modified by the values listed in the configuration files.
The achievement “To All the Squirrels who Cared For Me” is marked complete after only going /love to a single critter, even if it is one that is not on the achievement’s list.
The achievement “Fishing Diplomat” is marked complete after only fishing a single time in either Orgrimmar OR Stormwind, instead of in both.
Banner of Cooperation, Standard of Unity, and Battle Standard of Cooperation do not provide their experience bonus when placed.