Hi guys. First of all, it's a pleasure being here with you all, sharing the same passion for the old Cata, with IMHO is the best expansion of all. I would say LK has a better system of talent tree, but the tree of Cata is ok as well.
I've spend almost 12 hours trying to run the server v4. Some problems, but I fixed them with the help of the forum from other replies. The server is running now, and I will share some of my opinions about the server.
This repack is by far, the best in terms of graphics view and graphics performance. I'm running ~200 fps at 1920x1080@144hz, with all settings on ultra, multisampling 8x, texture 16x, vert sync off, triple buffer enabled, RIL enabled, hardware cursor enabled and DX11. All with my i7 4790k, 16gb corsair 2144mhz, gtx 960 and a BenQ @144mhz. For comparsion, I was using a trinitycore 4.3.4 version before, and the same confs was running badly at ~150 fps. Also, the graphics wasn't this good in others TrinityCore Repacks. I don't know what you guys did in this repack, but congrats for that. Now I will follow you guys in the future versions.
Let's talk about the instalation of the server. I will aim this section for those who want to install and play online, or are facing some problems. (no links or prints, cuz I'm hurrying up, gotta get some sleep ASAP)
1- Don't try to run this repack at Windows XP partitions. This just doesn't work at all. I've tried on Windows XP SP3 Pro x86 and Windows XP SP3 Pro x64, and the authserver/worldserver applications doesn't open, error "not a win32 or win64 valid file". Go figure.
2- If you're interested playing in LAN/Online with your friends, I would suggest you to run the server in a virtual machine. In my case, I'm using VirtualBox from Oracle with Win 7 Ultimate. It's free and have some cool features that we will talk soon.
3- Once you have installed your partition at VirtualBox, shutdown the VM, and go to the settings of the VM. Now, go to Network, and change the Network adapter from NAT to BRIDGE. Then click advanced, and you will see the MAC Address. You can even change the MAC for other, if necessary. In this case, your router/switch will listen to the VM directly, with a unique MAC Address, without using the Network Adapter MAC Address of your Windows.
4- Now that you have a MAC Address for your VM, you can go to your router and add a permanent LAN IP for your VM. In your router, open the following ports: 3724, 3725, 8085. Explanation: The port 3724 is for the Authenthication Server, port 8085 for World Server, and 3725 for your registration site.
5- Now that your ports are open and redirecting to the VM LAN IP that you attached as permanent, download NO-IP to use a host. Install, and create a host of your choise in their site. Now set NO-IP config to start with Windows, and set your host created to be listen by the application. If you do it all right, you'll see 3 green tic. Green is good (got it? :V)
Now that we have a host redirecting correctly to your VM without the need of using your external IP or hamachi (hamachi sucks, lets be honest), we're good to go to the next step.
6- Extract all the files to your pc. The folders maps, mmaps, dbc and vmaps, must be inside the folder ...\Release v4. Download and extract the HTDOCS files to the directory ...\_server\htdocs
Download HTDOCS files
7- Now we need to change the apache configuration. Go to ...\_server\apache\conf\ and open the file HTTPD.CONF with notepad or notepad ++. Find the line 4(listen), and change the value from 80 to 3725, with is the port that we've opened in the router. Now go to the line 33(servername) and change again from 80 to 3725. The reason we did that, is because some internet providers block the port 80, like they do here in Brazil. Save and close the file, run MySQL.bat, and Apache.bat. They are inside the folder _server. Now you can go to your browser and test your registration page. For that, type yourhost:3725. If something is wrong, review all the steps and try again. In my case, works fine.
LINK I've modified this site to bring the client with the registration page, in case that I want to introduce WoW to my friends that don't know the game, and all I have to do is share my URL, and the're good to go. The client only have 20mb, and all the files will be downloaded while they play. Easier than download 20gb.
8- Now, go back to the folder ...\_server\ and open the file 'Required Software.rar'. Then, install 'vcredist_x86.exe' FIRST. If you install SSL first, you may cause some problems. TIP: Even if you install others C++ 2008 red x86 or x64, you still need to install this version. Don't know why. Then, install 'Win32openSSL-1_0_1h.exe', and choose to install The SSL files into /bin directory. Not in the windows diretory, the /bin directory.
9- Now, it's time for the .DLL nightmare. Go to folder ...\Release, and open 'authserver.exe', and see what .DLL is missing. If its missing libeay32.dll or ssleay32.dll, go to SSL Bin folder that you just installed (something like 'C:\\OpenSSL-Win32', and copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to the same folder of the authentication server application. Now, open the authentication server again, and see what .DLL is missing now. If it's missing msvcp120.dll or msvcr120.dll or any other .DLL, go to
www.dll-files.com, search the .dll by the name, and download the 32bits version. Extract the .dll, and make two copies: one you will paste in the bin folder with the others .dll, and the other in the folder of the authentication server. Now run the authserv again, and see if another .dll is missing. If yes, do the same process. When no more .dll is missing, he will open the authentication server. Then, run worldserver.exe.
10- Install SQLyog Community Edition, and open it. Go to new Connection, and use the following:
host address: localhost
username: root
password: ascent
port: 3306
This is the user and password from your database. Connect, and you should see the following repositories: auth, characters, emucoachworld, information_schema, mysql, performance_schema.
11- Go to auth, then click Tables, then account. In the right, you will see 3 tabs: 1- messages, 2- table data, 3 Info. Click Table data. You will see the 2 accounts pre added, and the account that you created when you tested the registration site. Note that the password is always protected by hash and every username has an ID. This ID is used to give gm permission. Let's say your ID is 11 like mine. Go to the Table account_acess in the left, and you will see in Table Data, the ID, gmlvl and Realm ID. Just click at the Null value, and you will create a new entry. Type your ID account, the gmlevel (3 for full permission), and realmid -1. THEN, HIT THE SAVE BUTTON THAT IS RIGHT ABOVE OF THE MOUSE.
12- For last, go to the table realmlist at the left, and you will see in the Table Data, the fields to put your server address info. Change the adress from to the host that you have created at no-ip. Just the address, there's no need to put the port. This is the ip that you will configure on the realmlist client. NOTE: don't change localAddress in the table. Just the address.
If you did everything right, you're good to go and test your server, just like I did. =)
Well, that said, I'd like to point some things that I think that could be resolved: I play as a Fire Mage, and there's some minor problems, like Arcane Missiles Procs. Even when I'm in fire build, with talents set as fire, arcane missiles was proc ALOT. I added /cancelaura Arcane Missiles! to my macros, so I could 'cancel' the proc, making it easier to see when my Pyroblast procs. And if I insta learn all my spells, it was added two arcane missiles spells to my spellbook, but only one working. The other appears as 'intant cast', but does nothing, nor animation or damage.
Some monsters as Firelands mobs that spaws near the raid door, they have a weird and weak damage. I was like lvl 85 equipped with Tarecgosa's Staff, (no gear at all, not even gray), and they can't kill me. This happens very often, like Zul Gurub entrance as well. Some mobs have their melee hit weak, but skills and spells are correct, like the first giant monster inside firelands. he was 1 hitting me. Same occurs to Black Wing Descent. The left guardians before Magmaw, hits melee like 6k dmg, but the spell 1hitting me as shoud do.
Anyway, that's it. I've tried some addons 4.3.4 like ElvUI, skada and genie, and they look fine.
Thks for the awesome work, and keep it going. Sorry for my bad english, and see you guys soon! o/