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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
Seattle, WA
Okay for some reason I was using the V2 server so today I set up a new install with the v4 files.

Now when I start worldserver.exe I get this error message:

C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release>worldserver.exe
Invalid or missing configuration file : worldserver.conf
Verify that the file exists and has '[worldserver]' written in the top of the file!
ACE_Thread::setspecific() failed!: No error

C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 90AF-6BD2

 Directory of C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release

02/12/2016  03:36 AM    <DIR>          .
02/12/2016  03:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         1,726,464 ace.dll
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         8,139,448 ace.ilk
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         9,670,656 ace.pdb
08/12/2015  08:16 AM             9,422 authserver.conf
05/24/2015  09:05 PM           479,744 authserver.exe
05/24/2015  09:05 PM         2,981,464 authserver.ilk
05/24/2015  09:05 PM         4,919,296 authserver.pdb
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         1,806,848 libmysql.dll
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         1,428,392 libmysql.ilk
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         2,789,376 libmysql.pdb
02/12/2016  03:42 AM           112,171 worldserver.conf
02/12/2016  03:18 AM           112,021 worldserver.conf.not.working.bu
02/12/2016  03:30 AM        20,941,824 worldserver.exe
06/04/2015  02:38 PM       132,375,792 worldserver.ilk
06/04/2015  02:38 PM       190,386,176 worldserver.pdb
              15 File(s)    377,879,094 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  693,788,110,848 bytes free

So it's obviously there. I have edited it. I tried copying over my V2 config file and that worked for a minute until it realized the mysql server was on a different port (which is what I expected).

If I use the straight config file (from your zip), the server starts. So I opened the straight config file and copied my new adjustments and saved. That won't work either. I can't figure out what the hell is going on. I've only changed values relating to things like server rates, etc...

I normally use Textpad 5 but switched back to the very basic Notepad. Still having issues. I've checked file attributes and made sure they're not read-only. I've added full control to the security settings.

I can't think of anything else to try. I tried searching the forums for this error but I only got a few threads and this thread has 155 pages... I can't read them all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!


Okay for some reason I was using the V2 server so today I set up a new install with the v4 files.

Now when I start worldserver.exe I get this error message:

C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release>worldserver.exe
Invalid or missing configuration file : worldserver.conf
Verify that the file exists and has '[worldserver]' written in the top of the file!
ACE_Thread::setspecific() failed!: No error

C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 90AF-6BD2

 Directory of C:\TrinityCore\4.3.4 Cataclysm Server v4\Release

02/12/2016  03:36 AM    <DIR>          .
02/12/2016  03:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         1,726,464 ace.dll
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         8,139,448 ace.ilk
05/24/2015  08:49 PM         9,670,656 ace.pdb
08/12/2015  08:16 AM             9,422 authserver.conf
05/24/2015  09:05 PM           479,744 authserver.exe
05/24/2015  09:05 PM         2,981,464 authserver.ilk
05/24/2015  09:05 PM         4,919,296 authserver.pdb
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         1,806,848 libmysql.dll
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         1,428,392 libmysql.ilk
05/24/2015  08:50 PM         2,789,376 libmysql.pdb
02/12/2016  03:42 AM           112,171 worldserver.conf
02/12/2016  03:18 AM           112,021 worldserver.conf.not.working.bu
02/12/2016  03:30 AM        20,941,824 worldserver.exe
06/04/2015  02:38 PM       132,375,792 worldserver.ilk
06/04/2015  02:38 PM       190,386,176 worldserver.pdb
              15 File(s)    377,879,094 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  693,788,110,848 bytes free

So it's obviously there. I have edited it. I tried copying over my V2 config file and that worked for a minute until it realized the mysql server was on a different port (which is what I expected).

If I use the straight config file (from your zip), the server starts. So I opened the straight config file and copied my new adjustments and saved. That won't work either. I can't figure out what the hell is going on. I've only changed values relating to things like server rates, etc...

I normally use Textpad 5 but switched back to the very basic Notepad. Still having issues. I've checked file attributes and made sure they're not read-only. I've added full control to the security settings.

I can't think of anything else to try. I tried searching the forums for this error but I only got a few threads and this thread has 155 pages... I can't read them all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!
Basically the worldserver.conf error explains it. It tries to tell you that the file is invalid. You might need to use the default worldserver.conf from v.4 as it's a lot different which can cause it to be invalid. Try to do that, in that case :)


Verified Member
Seattle, WA
Oh yes, I did use the original and edit it. That didn't help. So I copied the original back in place and edited 2-3 settings, and checked to see if the server would start. I did that progressively for all my edits. I just can't figure out why it didn't like me doing all my edits at the same time. Whatever though, it's fixed :)


The time has come for a new version-release.

v.6 will get released today - yes today! It includes TONS of fixing, especially world wise, and I'd specially like to thank LKArthas for his huge contribution towards the project.
v.6 is VIP only though, meaning you would have to donate here; http://www.emucoach.com/payments.php to access the exclusive repack with more fixes.
Generally the VIP repack is a version forward, meaning you get faster and higher fixes,

However, version 5 will get released for regular users tomorrow, which also includes a ton of fixes - just not as many.
More information on the release AND changelog for version 5 & 6 will come tonight! :)

Thanks for all the feedback, support and contributions.