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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Well the pet that it spawns thats ment to use mind flay, it just auto attacks xD I can get a screen shot if you need.


That's the screenshot of the tentacle it spawns, it's not useing mind flay like it should be, it just auto attacks. The 53 and 75 Damage you see on my screen is the damage they do. I'm not sure what the problem with it is just thought I'd bring it up.

It's working on PvP characters as well as mobs, bosses etc. Test it out on these instead, should work.

I'll try to work out something in your case.


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Verified Member
It still does not work, I just tried it on other mobs.


he hit for 69 though xD!. Also Bloodthirst spell for Fury warrior's, hits for only 170...when its ment to hit for around 15k-20k *That's what its tooltip says*

Here is another screenshot of me testing Gurth with my boyfreinds DK.


Also. Sorry for all the long text's xD Just trying to help getting this little bug sorted. But if it work's like you said, then im not sure whats going on with it on my end.
Last edited:


Links has been edited with the dropbox - working ones.

V.3 will get released soon as well!


Trial Member
did you find a solution for this error code? I'm having the exact same problem.

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."


Veteran Member
did you find a solution for this error code? I'm having the exact same problem.

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."

Well this could be a few things. First try running "vcredist_x86.exe" in the folder "Required Software" which is located in the same directory as your worldserver.exe. If that doesn't work I would try installing http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653.

Come back and let me know if those work.


V3 is soon ready for release!

I'm just working on getting V4 fixed for the VIPS so it can get released around the same time.

Here's most of the updates I've made to V.4 - VIP only though. (Some of the core updates are applied in V3 as well though, as I felt like it needed it)

V4 Updates so far, more to come:

Spells / Trinkets:
Implemented CCDelay, which will increase/improve the PvP experience.
Fixed Channeling Spells.
Fixed Tiger's Fury.
Fix Sweeping Strikes damage
Fixed and reworked Redemption, works correctly now.
Fixed the ICD for some cataclysm trinkets.
Core/Spells: Rouge - Overkill should be removed 20 seconds after leaving stealth.
Fixed Mixology
Fixed Souldrinker
Fixed Glyph of Dispel Magic
Fixed ghoul spell in autoattack (pet must have min 40 energy)
Fixed silencing shot and scatter shot travell time + typo
Dancing Rune Weapon Rework.
Focus Fire Spell Fix
Fixed SoulStone Revive part.
Fixed Nature's Ward.
Fixed some spells that should stack for diff casters.
Fixed some issues with warlock imp.
Fixed Deathknight Rune Strike (should always be useable when Blood Presence is active)
Fixed an issue with Overkill and Master of Sublety removal on spec change.
Heroic Leap Distance and sight fix.
Fixed Water Elemental upon Invisibllity

A lot of Firelands spawns & basic scripting in Firelands.
Reworked Lord Rhyolith, it needed a lot of recoding and was very buggy in general. Should work a lot better now, and be much more blizzlike-ish.
Fixed some small issues with Bethtilac in Firelands, regarding aggro and starting time. @Still needs more work.
And a lot of other database fixes that aren't listed here though.
Added play movie for Deathwing's Fall.
Reworked and coded a lot of the bosses in Firelands.
Fixed a wrong spell cast error in console and fixed it with the correct spell of the boss in Lost City of the TolVir.
Fixed some instance abuses with limitting of players.
Fixed StoneCore Teleporter.
Fixed more on the StoneCore dungeon, sniffing from retail, corrected loots, emotes, auras, waypoints, spawns etc.
Fixed some issues with LFG, -- some crash fixes regarding it.
Fixed and corrected loot for Halls of Origination.
BaradinHold -> fixes to Alizabal.
Some Dragonsoul rework.
Fixed Firelands doors despawn after boss is dead
Fixed Ragnaros Loot Chest
Fixed Ragnaros First gate that didn't get removed at all and was therefor unable to continue with rest of Firelands without a gm to remove the gameobject.
-@ToDo -- More fixes in this topic. Will be checking some things and correct if there's issues, firelands mobs & spawns etc.

Battle For Gilneas Rework!
Fix ScoreBoard For Twin Peaks - BG
Fixed a fly hacking hack exploit regarding druid forms when entering battleground(s)
Corrected and fixed graveyard of Battle For Gilneas.

General Fixes:
Some work on the Guild Challenger
Guild Tab Rework & Fix
Fixed a stat stacking issue.
Fixed some profession issues.
Disabled slow on elites
Fixed body in the air bug.
Correction of Duel Distance, for cataclysm.
FIXED the Pet attack function. (Warlock, mage - water elemental) etc.
Fix a crash -- add a check regarding a warlock spell
Fixed Guild Bank Tab #2 - Working correctly now.
Fixed an annoying guild error message when inviting somebody to a guild.
Core/Players: Dueling players in your party / raid should not make them always detectable.
Fixes seeing stealthed rogues & druids, as well as invisible mages in duels.
Fixed some invinsible quest givers.
Fixed a crash regarding Soulbound Trading.
Fixed a frustrating Auto Attack bug that caused your auto attack to stop.
Reworked the spell function with - haste, like shocks that caused -0.25 haste rating, which would bug your attacks and damage from tooltip(s)

More updates by Ayiko and I:

Spawned Lord Darius Crowley in Gilneas City for the quest "The Last Stand"
Spawned Frenzied Stalker for the quest "The Last Stand"
Spawned Northgate Rebel in Gilneas City
Removed benchs that weren't supposed to be there in the same area.
Made Brown Stag in Ruins of Gilneas Skinnable

Elwynn Forest:
Added the quest - Bounty on Murlocs to the Bounty Board as it was not offering the quest.
Added the quest - Rest and Relaxation to the quest giver Falkhaan Isenstrider.

Added the quest - Tears of the Moon to the quest giver Priestess A' moora.
Added the quest - Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei to the quest giver Corithras Moonrage.
Added the quest - Oakenscowl to the quest giver Denalan

Quest: Disarming Bears (Felwood) Fixed, Missing Objects Spawned.
Quest: A Slimy Situation (Felwood) Fixed, Missing Objects Spawned.
Quest: Crying Violet (Felwood) Fixed, Missing Objects Spawned.
Quest/Creature: Creature 459 (Drusilla La Salle) Spawned for quest Tainted Letter.
Creature: Creature 6373 (Dan Winslow) Spawned in Northshire Valley, was missing.

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Wildkin Spirit
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Enraged Earth Elemental
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frenzied Cyclone

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Blackwood Furbolg
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Unbound Fire Elemental

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Encrusted Tide Crawler
Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Moonstalker Sire

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Grizzled Thistle Bear
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Young Grizzled Thistle Bear
Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Twilight Rider
Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Twilight Fanatic

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Enraged Tidal Spirit
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Encrusted Tide Crawler

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Writhing Highborne
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Cursed Highborne

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Darkscale Scout
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Lady Vespira

Yalda was duplicate spawned - fixed.
Priestess Allinya was duplicate spawned - fixed.
Auberdine Refugee was duplicate spawned - fixed.
Fixed a duplication spawn with Moonglade Warden

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frostsaber Huntress
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frostsaber
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Shy Rotam

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Chilwind Chimaera
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Shardtooth Bear
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Winterspring Owl

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Winterfall Ursa
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Yeti
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Matriarch
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Patriarch
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Icewhomp

More updates I've made today:

Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Berserk Owlbeast
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Crazed Owlbeast
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Moontouched Owlbeast
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Wretched Spectre
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Suffering Highborne
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Winterfall Den Watcher
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Winterfall Totemic
Fixed some duplication Spawns in Azshara with creature - Enslaved Son of Arkkoroc
Myria Stoneround was spawned twice in Stormwind City

Time to clean up Westfall:

Farmer Saldeath was spawned twice in Westfall
Salma Saldean was spawned twice in Westfall

Harvest Watcher had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Young Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Hulking Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Coyote had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Sand Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Sea Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Shore Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Murloc Raider had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Minor Oracle had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Coastrunner had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Netter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Warrior had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Hunter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Tidehunter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Murloc Oracle had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Greater Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Hulking Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Chasm Slime had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Riverpaw Herbalist had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Brute had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Mongrel had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Bandit had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Mystic had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Taskmaster had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Scout had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Riverpaw Gnoll had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Energized Harvest Reaper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Harvest Reaper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Greater Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.

Next step in Westfall is to check out the quests further.
Big thanks to Kamui for his great bug report.




Verified Member
Is there a progress or percentage of each working feature?

Such as general quests, Questlines, Spells, Classes, Dungeons?
Im more interested on the percentage of the Questlines as every other repack I've run into has had problems with the questline and you couldn't go further than westfall, kinda throws myself and my lil bro off when a questline can't progress any further if you know what I mean. Just curious, no rush or anything you guy's are doing a great job with a repack I will not disagree.
& when will V4 release for non VIP's?


Is there a progress or percentage of each working feature?

Such as general quests, Questlines, Spells, Classes, Dungeons?
Im more interested on the percentage of the Questlines as every other repack I've run into has had problems with the questline and you couldn't go further than westfall, kinda throws myself and my lil bro off when a questline can't progress any further if you know what I mean. Just curious, no rush or anything you guy's are doing a great job with a repack I will not disagree.
& when will V4 release for non VIP's?

There's unfortunately no list with these statistics. I've made one with dungeons, spells, battlegrounds and the most important things but it was lost due to data loss, however getting an actual - proper and correct percantage of all this would take very long time to test, where we have focused on improving the repack itself instead. However maybe I'll start work on some of it atleast.

Well first V3 will release for the non-VIPS which we plan doing in a three weeks or so, where the V4 will release for the VIPS at the same time. Must have been a typo? ;p

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