please, recheck the mediafire link i honestly doubt about an entire mysql in only 111Mb for wow, it needs more than that on databases, unless of course the spells tables and furthemore where included on the release
Looks like a hard work, i'm new, and here me and some friends were testing some cores to rated, hope check this soon, i already see the logs from ac-web, and like "sadpk" if you need to test, count on me. also i am from Cuba sorry my bad english.
Hi, I do not know if this question is really good. But I do not know how I can get the official client for this files? ExO, maybe you can give me a working client for this files? Thanks, and more power!
Seems cool, takes forever to START to download though "you need 5 posts to get the member rank" do you know how much that sucks for someone whom tends to be extremely reclusive in nature? Anyway I really hope its worth the effort