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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Trial Member
Need a little help here. Just restarted the server after a one-month hiatus, and now I'm getting Unseen (the lvl-50 variety) all over the place in Duskwood where they weren't before. Specifically, right by the Flightmaster at the cemetary, and the Worgen area to the south. Duskwood is supposed to be a lvl-20-25 area, and it's preventing players from questing properly. If the database has become corrupted, is there a quick fix for this?
Thanks in advance.


Trial Member
Gonna check it, bored and feel like messing with wow again. Cataclysm repacks were always a letdown years ago when I last played. Maybe this one will change my mind.


Verified Member
so I obtained permission, and found a way to connect to my neighbor's wifi (moved my computer across the house to reach it) and so I think I will just end up getting the torrent, and seeing if that works offline. But something tells me no matter what I do, it won't work. the consensus I've reached is that because cata emulation is very new, people have not had the time to create the work-arounds that would be needed, and as many people who do use private servers have their own internet, they never run into this problem. Thanks to everyone who helped me with my issue, but If I do find out how to get Cata to work without current and constant internet connection, I will most likely post a How-to for others, in thanks for such a great repack. Thanks again!!


Trial Member
dditional bosses scripted in Well of Eternity. (Beta)

- Fixed some script errors with bloodboil and fel rages in the Black Temple.
- Some creature text fixes in The Vortex Pinnacle.
- You can now enter Deadmines on level 10 instead of 85.
- The bosses in Trial Of The Crusader was spawning too quickly - fixed.
- Some fixes with Eye of Eternity (Bosses & Spawns)
- Fixed the ICC runes


Verified Member
You would need to download the complete client before attemping that. It sounds like your using the mini client.

Teah, I guessed that, and I've looking forever... I noticed that my client is 14G, and last time I remember (another PC, another time-space line) it was around 22G - 25G.
But I can´t find it...
Maybe battledotnet has older client database?


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Teah, I guessed that, and I've looking forever... I noticed that my client is 14G, and last time I remember (another PC, another time-space line) it was around 22G - 25G.
But I can´t find it...
Maybe battledotnet has older client database?

I did some searching recently for direct downloads for cata, And I couldn't find anything. The only options were torrents and mini clients. Or if you own the game on disk, You could update it manually with blizz update files.
My game that i installed via the mini client is 17.7 gigabytes, But I also have an older version that i downloaded with a torrent, and it's 26.4 gigabytes. This really makes me wonder what's in that old one that isn't in the new one. Because i literally go everywhere in the world while im developing. I don't know maybe it's the instances that aren't loaded in the new one, I'll have to go in them and find out if their loaded. I don't spend much time in them normally.
I remember i stopped using the old version, Because near the exodar my game would crash like crazy. And the newer version with mini client didn't do that as often. But my advice would be to use a torrent to get the complete client. Even if you have to use some wifi hotspot at a restaurant to do it, Because obviously something is still missing from the mini client versions that we have.