Interesting, I've never heard of that one b4. And yeah I noticed, great work! -- Hopefully there are some people with knowledge in this field who wants to contribute later in.
@Taukoriri Meita, It's fair enough you say your opinion, the repack does indeed need a lot of work, but to be honest every single repack, server, core etc needs that. There are no cataclysm emulators/databses with all working things yet, sadly.
Thanks Pewz for your reply regarding my opinion and yes I know very well that the repacks, server, core, etc....still needs a lot of work, but what I'm suggesting is that it would be great if you try and complete the Worgen and Goblin sequence quest first not perfectly but as long as new players get to play the story line on both new races until the end of the sequence. I don't mind work-around hacks on bugged quests like making some auto-complete, long as we get to see their story line. And also since they're new Races most new players would pick them first and if they find lots of bugs in both new races they will loose interest in the repack like I did.
I don't mind other Races (except DK sequence quest) and other quests cos you can always find a work-around without a gm account, etc. So I think Spells, Talents are first priority, then Worgen, Goblin and DK sequence Quests, then Other Quests, then Bosses and BGs and Arena's.
I don't know that's just my list.
Thank you again and I hope you take my thought into consideration.