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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


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Veteran Member
And again hapend when you add some other random skills or skills from other class.HELP
Are you trying to have a single character with spells from different classes and lots of talents? Of course its going to be glitchy. Its not meant to work like that..

Taukoriri Meita

Trial Member
Can anyone please list down all the required software needed to run this repack? and I mean ALL of them....Because I ran this repack and I ended up with an msvcp210.dll missing error, etc....and all the solution that I read is that I should have installed some Visual C++ Redistribute, etc...and others are saying to manually add these .dll files etc long story short its very confusing that some people run it without a problem and some have to do little stuff to make it work while others have to add and install punch of stuffs in order to run the repack.

I used to have all the software that I need to run repacks back in the day when I ran Jeutie's Repack, like Notepad++, Visual C++ Redistribute, .Netframeworks, etc....all collected during solving problems like the one I mentioned above but I lost them all and I couldn't remember what they are.

My current OS is Win8.1 Enterprise 64bit but I'm thinking of a fresh install of Windows 7 32bit (Virutal PC) to run this Repack, so since its a fresh install dedicated to this repack only, I want to install ONLY the required software, .dlls, etc...before running the repack so that I won't come across any errors etc.

So can anyone please list down ALL requirements to run this Repack/any repack on a fresh install Windows 7 32bit/any fresh Windows OS that would be GREAT.

Thank you.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Can anyone please list down all the required software needed to run this repack? and I mean ALL of them....Because I ran this repack and I ended up with an msvcp210.dll missing error, etc....--Snip--
When it asks for the dll files, try placing them in the folder where your auth and world is located, should help.
http://www.dll-files.com/ is a good place to get your files from.

Taukoriri Meita

Trial Member
I get an "Authsever is not a valid Win32 application" on a Windows XP SP3. Windows 8.1 and 7 seems to have no problem after adding the msvcp.dll and msvcr.dll.

Is it not compatible with Windows XP SP3? cos I'm trying to host it on this unused XP PC?



I get an "Authsever is not a valid Win32 application" on a Windows XP SP3. Windows 8.1 and 7 seems to have no problem after adding the msvcp.dll and msvcr.dll.

Is it not compatible with Windows XP SP3? cos I'm trying to host it on this unused XP PC?


You do have the required programs such as net framework etc right? Also it could very well be because your windows is too old, had reports saying that it was not able to run on the old windows xp.

Thanks to everyone who helped answering the questions that were asked in here!

Taukoriri Meita

Trial Member
I was able to run the repack thanks to Elvarion providing the .dll files link. Anyway the Repack looks promising but I came across an annoying bug when I first created a Worgen Warrior, played the beginning quest sequence and somehow somewhere along the way I got stuck with a combat mode which is very annoying cos I pretty much can't do anything but just die.

I know its not a big deal cos its just a minor bug but at least I got something to report when first playing hehe.

I will continue playing it check all the races, classes, talents, quests, etc....if I have time, and report back if I encounter any bugs along the way.

Excellent Job, keep up the good work.



Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I was able to run the repack thanks to Elvarion providing the .dll files link. Anyway the Repack looks promising but I came across an annoying bug when I first created a Worgen Warrior, played the beginning quest sequence and somehow somewhere along the way I got stuck with a combat mode which is very annoying cos I pretty much can't do anything but just die.


No problem, glad you sorted it out :)
About the combat bug, if im not misstaken that bug still persists even in the Master branch for 3.3.5 on Trinity Core. Anyways its been around for ages. Hence I always play Night Elf on private servers, Shadowmeld for the win! ^^

@Pewz, Ive continued to work on the document of stuff not working.
Also started to Phase it into "Stage 2" where more information is provided so its easier to understand why its reported.
Link to google drive > Here! <

"Daily"~ updated with stuff that I find when playing. (When I play and find something)

Also a somewhat gamebreaking bug. If you play as a DK and get hit with a debuf that increases the time between your attacks your rune will glitch out and never come of cooldown. They look like they are of cooldown but they aint. Only way to fix it is either relogging or casting Empowered weapon (5min cd that reset your runes)

Examples of Ability that break your runes
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Taukoriri Meita

Trial Member
Well, I played a Worgen starting quest sequence and couldn't complete the sequence, the part where I was suppose to ride the horse with another NPC to the Cathedral, well the horse got stuck. So I guess playing a Worgen is not recommended for non-gm players.

I think I'll wait until next stable version cos this is still like other repacks where Worgen and Goblin sequence quest are not complete especially for new/most players who would pick both races as their first choice since the're new in the expansion.

Thanks again, I didn't get to test other races, etc....but Worgen quest seq. incomplete is enough for me to loose interest and I think completing both Goblin and Worgen Starting quest is very important because they can take any quest after the sequence is complete. Otherwise they will get stuck (for non-GM players).

Keep up the good work and hope to see more fixes on the next version.


No problem, glad you sorted it out :)
About the combat bug, if im not misstaken that bug still persists even in the Master branch for 3.3.5 on Trinity Core. Anyways its been around for ages. Hence I always play Night Elf on private servers, Shadowmeld for the win! ^^

@Pewz, Ive continued to work on the document of stuff not working.
Also started to Phase it into "Stage 2" where more information is provided so its easier to understand why its reported.
Link to google drive > Here! <

"Daily"~ updated with stuff that I find when playing. (When I play and find something)

Also a somewhat gamebreaking bug. If you play as a DK and get hit with a debuf that increases the time between your attacks your rune will glitch out and never come of cooldown. They look like they are of cooldown but they aint. Only way to fix it is either relogging or casting Empowered weapon (5min cd that reset your runes)

Examples of Ability that break your runes

Interesting, I've never heard of that one b4. And yeah I noticed, great work! -- Hopefully there are some people with knowledge in this field who wants to contribute later in.

@Taukoriri Meita, It's fair enough you say your opinion, the repack does indeed need a lot of work, but to be honest every single repack, server, core etc needs that. There are no cataclysm emulators/databses with all working things yet, sadly.


From the researches I've done, it's caused because the server it's uploaded on of mediafire's is overloaded at the moment. And then some countries/people occur this issue. It should be fixed itself once the mediafire server is not overloaded anymore.

No date has been set as the project is not being worked actively on at the moment, and a very low amount of contributors aka none.


Trial Member
I can't download the repack (Release v2) I've been trying for hours, you definitely should have multiple backup links.