I have 2 quick questions:
1. Is the version on the first page version 5? cos the .rar filename shows version 4? just want to confirm it.
2. Can anyone (admin) please confirm if the chain quest of both new races the Goblin and Worgen are completed until the end? I don't mind work arounds or auto complete quests during the chain quest, as long as they don't get stuck in their starting zones. For the record, I really want to follow their chain-quest just so I'll know their story line before they're free to the open world.
Thank you.
1. I'm pretty sure. I think I might have wondered this myself when I had v5. If the download is from the first post on this thread, then yes, it is version 5. Sorry for the mixup there.
2. Goblins: As for v5, no. v6 (coming to public soon) is a little better, when I played through, I was unable to leave the island. However, v6.1, which is the current VIP version, you are able to get off the island, and the quest line should be mostly intact. I am not a developer of the repack, so I can't tell you a % or what is fully developed, but v6.1 was all about the goblins starting area.
Worgen: For v5, I'm unsure of the state of the starting area/quest line, as I did not create worgen in that version. In v6, I think I had to .cheat complete a couple of quests, and I used .mod speed in order to get to some areas since the wagon/vehicle parts aren't scripted yet.
Hopefully I answered your questions properly?