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[NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Is there any way to let my friends play with me? please help, I've done everything but i'm not able to set up ann account for them, even using heidisql. Is there a way to create an account beside the default adm@adm one?
Last edited:


Verified Member
Is there any way to let my friends play with me? please help, I've done everything but i'm not able to set up ann account for them, even using heidisql. Is there a way to create an account beside the default adm@adm one?

Download BlizzCMS-Plus and let them create..


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Nice one man, thank you :)

A lot of people have been asking around on the forum, if there were any *good* 7.3.5 Legion repacks I could recommend. There were none, until now.


This repack serves you with a high quality Legion repack, running on patch 7.3.5.
It is for certain, the highest quality in Legion, that you will find open-sourced.

It provides many scripted dungeons, quests, legion systems, class & spell fixes.

The repack includes a lot of fixes.

Newer systems are implemented, eg.:
- Legion scripts
- Artifacts
- Challenge mode
- Class Halls
- World Quests
- High stability
also backported scripts:

Majority of the Legion dungeons/raids are working decently.
It is all served for free.

Account login:
Account 1:
Username: adm@adm
Password: adm
Account 2:
Username: ad@adm
Password: ad

The source is based on TrinityCore, and then reworked by UWOW. All credits to both Trinitycore & UWOW, they have done all the core work.


[Hidden content]

Interested in playing on an existing Legion Private Server instead?
The repack is simply released by Emucoach. Emucoach itself is not the one who did the majority of the core work.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
Great ! Thx for share. :giggle: I don't download it (finish Cata before), but i'm a big legion fan. I think is an awesome addon (artefacts with talents, OMG). Imo, this ca be the future VIP Emucoch repack !!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
hi Could you help me with the emucoach legion repack, it throws an error in the gt folder
2020-10-21_17:23:19 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:23:19 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:23:19  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:23:19 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:23:19 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:23:19    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:23:19     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:23:19      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:23:19       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:23:19                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:23:19 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:23:19 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:23:19 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:23:19 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:23:19 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:23:19 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:23:19 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:23:21 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:23:21 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:23:21 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:23:21 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:23:21 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:23:21 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:23:21 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:23:24 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:23:24 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:23:24 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:23:24 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 16 ms
2020-10-21_17:23:24 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:23:24 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 32 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:23:27 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:23:27 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:23:27  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:23:27 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:23:27 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:23:27    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:23:27     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:23:27      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:23:27       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:23:27                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:23:27 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:23:27 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:23:27 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:23:27 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:23:27 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:23:27 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:23:28 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:23:28 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:23:28 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:23:28 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:23:28 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:23:28 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:23:28 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:23:28 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:23:29 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:23:29 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:23:29 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:23:29 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 5 ms
2020-10-21_17:23:29 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:23:29 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 15 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:24:16 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:24:16 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:24:16  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:24:16 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:24:16 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:24:16    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:24:16     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:24:16      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:24:16       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:24:16                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:24:16 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:24:16 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:24:16 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:24:16 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:24:16 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:24:16 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:24:17 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:24:17 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:24:17 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:24:17 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:24:17 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:24:17 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:24:17 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:24:17 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:24:18 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:24:18 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:24:18 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:24:18 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 5 ms
2020-10-21_17:24:18 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:24:18 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 24 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:29:14 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:29:14 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:29:14  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:29:14 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:29:14 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:29:14    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:29:14     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:29:14      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:29:14       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:29:14                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:29:14 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:29:14 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:29:14 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:29:14 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:29:14 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:29:14 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:29:14 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:29:14 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:29:16 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:29:16 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:29:16 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:29:16 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 6 ms
2020-10-21_17:29:16 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:29:16 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 18 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:29:19 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:29:19 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:29:19  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:29:19 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:29:19 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:29:19    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:29:19     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:29:19      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:29:19       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:29:19                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:29:19 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:29:19 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:29:19 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:29:19 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:29:19 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:29:19 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:29:19 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:29:20 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:29:20 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:29:20 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:29:20 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:29:20 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:29:20 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 3 ms
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:29:20 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 5 ms
2020-10-21_17:29:20 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:29:20 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 15 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:33:29 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:33:29 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:33:29  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:33:29 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:33:29 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:33:29    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:33:29     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:33:29      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:33:29       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:33:29                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:33:29 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:33:29 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:33:29 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:33:29 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:33:29 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:33:29 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:33:29 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:33:29 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:33:30 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:33:30 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:33:30 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:33:30 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 6 ms
2020-10-21_17:33:30 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:33:30 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 17 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.

2020-10-21_17:34:10 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-10-21_17:34:10 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-10-21_17:34:10  ______                       __
2020-10-21_17:34:10 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
2020-10-21_17:34:10 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
2020-10-21_17:34:10    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-10-21_17:34:10     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-10-21_17:34:10      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-10-21_17:34:10       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-10-21_17:34:10                                          /\___/
2020-10-21_17:34:10 http://uwow.biz/                          \/__/

2020-10-21_17:34:10 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-10-21_17:34:10 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r  26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019)
2020-10-21_17:34:10 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-10-21_17:34:10 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-10-21_17:34:10 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-10-21_17:34:10 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-10-21_17:34:12 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-10-21_17:34:13 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-10-21_17:34:13 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-10-21_17:34:13 Using DataDir ./
2020-10-21_17:34:13 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-10-21_17:34:13 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-10-21_17:34:13 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Loading anticheat library
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-10-21_17:34:14 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-10-21_17:34:14 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Load anticheat data...
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-10-21_17:34:14 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Loading db2 info...
2020-10-21_17:34:14 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 6 ms
2020-10-21_17:34:14 Loading hotfix info...
2020-10-21_17:34:14 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 20 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.
Last edited by a moderator:


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Is anyone able to make new accounts? I can't create any account, the only 2 working are the default ones