- 56
- 2018
- 3
I receive the same MYSQL warning, It doesn't cause an issue on my setup.
I receive the same MYSQL warning, It doesn't cause an issue on my setup.
just noticed in my server I am getting this: [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of prepared statements. Would that cause connection issues?
No 26124 client, I hope ExO can compile a server that supports version 26972, thank you very much
I believe ad@adm is a typo. ad@ad ps:ad works for me.
How to create a new Account (Battlenet account)
Set the user@user to your account name. Dont forget the @.
Create Battlenetaccount:
worldserverconsole> battlenetaccount create user@user password
Create normal Account:
worldserverconsole> account create user@user password (password and username must be the same as above)
Connect normal Account to Battlenet:
Open your Databasetool like HeidiSQL or something else and execute:
Set the variable [MENTION=9012]Username[/MENTION] to the username above.
SELECT @battleNetId := id FROM auth.battlenet_accounts WHERE email LIKE [MENTION=9012]Username[/MENTION];
UPDATE auth.account SET battlenet_account = @battleNetId WHERE username LIKE [MENTION=9012]Username[/MENTION];