goodThis is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
Этот веб-сайт кто-то сделал для нас, но мы решили вместо этого использовать CMS. Возможно, я смогу кого-то порадовать этим.
В него включена страница регистрации Pre WoD, потому что мы рано перешли на cms.
Мы также не будем поддерживать вас в его настройке, поскольку это всего лишь .html (скопируйте и вставьте в htdocs).
Скачать: [Скрытый контент]
This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
niceEste es un sitio web que alguien creó para nosotros, pero decidimos utilizar un cms. Tal vez pueda hacer feliz a alguien con ello.
Tiene una página de registro previa a WoD incluida, porque cambiamos a un cms antes.
Capturas de pantalla:
Tampoco lo ayudaremos a configurarlo, ya que es solo un .html (cópielo y péguelo en htdocs).
Descargar: [Contenido oculto]
This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
thank u for this
thx sooo much!This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]