Gold Supporter
- 6
- 2023
- 0
Thank you for this
Hmm. I will look into this. Nice thanks!woah
This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
Screenshots: super
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
这是一个有人为我们制作的网站,但我们决定改用 cms。也许我可以让某人对此感到满意.
它包含一个Pre WoD注册页面,因为我们很早就切换到了cms。
我们也不会支持您设置它,因为它只是一个.html(复制并粘贴到 htdocs 中)。
这是一个有人为我们制作的网站,但我们决定改用 cms。也许我可以让某人对此感到满意.
它包含一个Pre WoD注册页面,因为我们很早就切换到了cms。
我们也不会支持您设置它,因为它只是一个.html(复制并粘贴到 htdocs 中)。
ty!!! rep+This is a website someone has made for us, but we've decided to go with a cms instead. Maybe i can make someone happy with it.
It has a Pre WoD signup page included with it, because we switched to a cms early.
We won't support you either with setting it up, since it's just a .html (copy and paste into htdocs).
Download: [Hidden content]
NiceDies ist eine Website, die jemand für uns erstellt hat, aber wir haben uns stattdessen für ein CMS entschieden. Vielleicht kann ich damit jemandem eine Freude machen![]()
Da wir schon früh auf ein CMS umgestiegen sind, ist eine Pre-WoD-Anmeldeseite enthalten.
Wir unterstützen Sie auch nicht bei der Einrichtung, da es sich nur um eine .html-Datei handelt (kopieren und in htdocs einfügen).
Download: [Versteckter Inhalt]