Hi Guys !
We would like to introduce you to our new Legion project/repack : AshamaneCore
About Traesh(lead developer) : Traesh is a TrinityCore contributor, he implanted systems you use in every legion repacks like legion creature scaling, Spell Areatriggers, Scene system, and conversations.
Ashamane (
http://www.ashamane.com) is a new Legion private server. Rather than doing closed-source as we always did, we chose to make it Open-source so all wow emulation community can contribute.
It is fully up to date with TrinityCore, but because they slow down everything script-related, we forked TC and we now have one of the most scripted open-source core. We just need some more DB improvements, that's why we're looking for talented SQL developpers.
What's working on AshamaneCore ? Here is the answer you want to hear :
>> Class Hall Basics (WIP)
>> World Quests
>> Movement Forces (make player slide on floor)
>> Personal Spawns (visible by summoner only)
>> Artifact Weapons
>> Most spells scripted (including DH)
>> Legion scripts (WIP, Darkheart Thicket working, Mardum Working)
>> Wod Scripts (full blizzlike Jungle of Tanaan intro)
>> Pandaria Scripts (all dungeons & world bosses, raids coming)
>> Cataclysm Scripts (all dungeons & raids C++ scripts, need some DB-side work)
Shipped with Ashamane Database (ADB)
>> All Cataclysm zones spawns
>> All Mist of Pandaria zones spawns
>> All Draenor zones spawns
>> All Legion zones spawns (including Class Halls)
At the moment you can already compile & test it, repack is coming.
Hope you'll enjoy our work, and we are looking forward to see your contributions !
Discord :
Github link :
dbc/gt/maps/vmaps/mmaps :