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AshamaneCore Legion 7.3.2 [Open-source]


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They moved to BfA long time ago, after that.. their leader disappeared.

I think that ashamane it's a core most stable thant trinity. it's a shame they don't keep updating it ( i refer to legion version).
I hate BFA.


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Lyon (France)
I had the opportunity to test this repack at the time when it was the basis of the SPP (Single Player Project) repack which has since evolved. This version is stable, works well, but the scripts that allow you to do the quests for the artifact are buggy. No big deal, with GM controls, there is plenty of fun. I am posting this message for newcomers who would like to test it. For a more complete reapack, it seems to me that the one posted in the "reapcks" section is much better. ---> Legion 7.3.5

Have fun !! ;)


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AshamaneCore Legion 7.3.5 [Open-source]


Hi Guys !

We would like to introduce you to our new Legion project/repack : AshamaneCore

About Traesh(lead developer) : Traesh is a TrinityCore contributor, he implanted systems you use in every legion repacks like legion creature scaling, Spell Areatriggers, Scene system, and conversations.

Ashamane (http://www.ashamane.com) is a new Legion private server. Rather than doing closed-source as we always did, we chose to make it Open-source so all wow emulation community can contribute.

It is fully up to date with TrinityCore, but because they slow down everything script-related, we forked TC and we now have one of the most scripted open-source core. We just need some more DB improvements, that's why we're looking for talented SQL developpers.

What's working on AshamaneCore ? Here is the answer you want to hear :


>> Class Hall Basics (WIP)
>> World Quests
>> Movement Forces (make player slide on floor)
>> Personal Spawns (visible by summoner only)
>> Artifact Weapons


>> Most spells scripted (including DH)
>> Legion scripts (WIP, Darkheart Thicket working, Mardum Working)
>> Wod Scripts (full blizzlike Jungle of Tanaan intro)
>> Pandaria Scripts (all dungeons & world bosses, raids coming)
>> Cataclysm Scripts (all dungeons & raids C++ scripts, need some DB-side work)

Shipped with Ashamane Database (ADB)

>> All Cataclysm zones spawns
>> All Mist of Pandaria zones spawns
>> All Draenor zones spawns
>> All Legion zones spawns (including Class Halls)

At the moment you can already compile & test it, repack is coming.

Hope you'll enjoy our work, and we are looking forward to see your contributions !

Discord : https://discord.gg/NhtpCae

Github link : https://github.com/AshamaneProject/AshamaneCore

dbc/gt/maps/vmaps/mmaps : https://dl.ashamane.com/
Much thx for this