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  1. D

    Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server

    I am afraid (unless I am wrong here) that this is an issue with whatever core you are using. Emucoach I believe, uses trinitycore, and some things are missing or weren't put in. Example: The quest "Lazy Peons" in valley of trials - Durotar. The Peons sometimes stand in place and do nothing...
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    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    blah blah blah have to reply to see the solution xD
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    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    I would but it seems having items on the AH causes very bad serverside lag issues, so AH bot is on hold till new update for the server comes out.
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    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    Havent tried yet tbh. After the license debacle i stepped away from the project for a bit till the bugs get worked out more. I will try your fix in the future at some point. I downloaded the entire folder on that github so I have the files, just gotta copy em over and try it. Thanks for the fix...
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    [Quest] The Drakkari Do not feed water elements

    Move them using the GUID of the mob (target and type .npc info, find the ID of the mob) and GUID (GUID is very important) and move them manually to the place they need to be in the quest database (X/Y/Z coords) (MoP_World/Creature) table (NOT CREATURE_TEMPLATE!!!!!!!!!). Or you can target the...
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    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    Ok thanks I will try that. <3
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    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    I appreciate this and all but I dont know beans about compiling source. But thanks anyway.
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    License validation failed

    I cannot request a new license until oct 04... And for some reason its telling my license (to which I paid for) is now not valid, can you please fix this issue and give me a new workable license? Thanks.
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    Cash Shop Pandaria 5.4.8 WIP

    Same issue, but OP abandoned this thread sadly ;(
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    Healer bots...

    Update: I found the issue with healer bots getting stuck and not healing. Whats happening is when they level or "ding", they either lose their spells or just stop casting them, so I removed "kill XP" in the server.conf (set the value to zero) and healers no longer seem to get stuck now.
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    [Other] Siege of Niuzao Temple | 5 HC |

    At first this happened when I killed him manually (doing spells with bots and such) and I thought it was a fluke, second time I restarted server, fought back down to him after remaking group and after the final wave when he engages, I did .die on him, same result, server immediately crashes.
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    [Other] Siege of Niuzao Temple | 5 HC |

    On norm when i kill end boss, server crashes. Hvent touched the boss or any of the end mobs so not sure why, otherwise the script (with the NPCs and the sap) appears to be functioning good. I will post a screenshot of the error below:
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    If you are having random crashes with the MoP VIP (Bots repack) please read this thread, it might help you!

    So I've been doing a lot of testing because i was having up to 15 crashes a day on my server, and I think Ive pinned down the cause. I was having random lag and crashes and so I disabled a few things. First I disabled the AH bot, that stopped the lag. And to stop the crashes I disabled KILL EXP...
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    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    When running the characters query, im getting an error that states column count doesnt match value count at row 1. Im thinking this no longer works
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    Updated Vendors 5.4.8

    Busted links :(
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    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    So i've done some digging, and a lot of the items in the battlepay store are not in the game as items, in other words - the only items listed in the item_template table was the crate (36 slot) and the 2 exp pots (300% one and 100% one). None of the other items like lil ragnaros, the perky pug...
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    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    I am having the same issue!!!!!! xD
  18. D

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thanks for this, gonna check it out! <3
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    Unable to name new characters certain names??

    My wife is wanting to name a pandaren monk "Jackiechan" but its not letting her, saying the name is unavailable?? I've checked both the auth and worldserver configs, ran a search in the auth characters and world databases for any instance of "Jackiechan" (under a prohibited name or something?)...