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  1. D

    Healer bots...

    We really need the ability to boot healers who dont heal just like in live, i mean how hard would it be to code in a workable feature where if you "votekick" (as in only need one vote for it to pass) a dumb healer who doesnt do anything and the game requeues and replaces him with another healer...
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    Modifying creature respawn time

    This helped me IMMENSELY! Thank you so much for this <3
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    Editing spells???

    So i dont think its possible to edit spells, at least with this core with the way blizz did things. as it stands it seems both client and server need hacked dbc's in order for spells to work, too much work for really too little payoff due to the sheer amount of spells in the database. So gonna...
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    Auctionbot not buying my auctions

    I just ended up turning off the AH bot and disabling it due to the multiple issues its causing myself and everyone else.
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    4.1 server regularly 'pausing'

    This seems like the same issue im having!!!! I disabled all weapons and armors being put on the AH cause whats happening is the bot seems to be putting bullshit items on the AH and its causing issues with the DB. Might as well disable the damn thing cause it wont buy from me any way.
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    [SQL-Resource] [All Expansions] Remove Dungeon Deserter Debuff

    You are a literal saint bro, THANK YOU <3
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    [Quest] Rank And File

    Tell us how to fix it! :(
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    [Quest] "Rank and File" bug

    June 6 2022 (over a year ago) posted. no response... go figure :( I tried fixing the quest but im not a wizard and it was just a waste of time. Im thinking the DBC is fucked or something
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    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    I retuned all of the mobs in this dungeon, all of them... The archers, the bosses, even the lvl 90 the armsmaster summons. Id fix that but I dont know how, its a script somewhere but this shits so buggy i cba, so I just nerfed the fuckers down, and since they despawn when the armsmaster dies...
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    [Exact] Quick Item.dbc Convert

    How do you use this to edit spells?
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    Auctionbot not buying my auctions

    AH Bot isnt buying my auctions. It lists them fine, but not buying anything. Also in the worldserver.conf I am putting in there NOT to put anything other than tradeskill items, because the bot keeps putting weapons and armor in there that have bogus enchants on them, so its throwing an error...
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    Editing spells???

    Guess there isnt a way to do this is there? :( Have looked all day on the internet for a how-to and it seems the latest DBC editor tool is for WoTLK... Rip i guess xD Edit: When I say "edit a spell" i mean cast time, duration, damage, healing, buff statistics, etc. I aint even tryina make a...
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Ok.. so I cant edit my main post, so I am posting again with a workable solution for anyone else past this point to read to help them. Conditions: You paid for the premium fee for the premium version of MoP server but cannot find the downloads. Solution: If you go to the main root directory of...
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    Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)

    I have premium rank and cannot find anywhere to download the PREMIUM version. Can you please supply me with links where to download since I paid you? Thanks!
  15. D

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Ok so this is very confusing, and maybe its just me - but I paid the $22 for "premium" so I could download the MoP version, and I guess im good but I dont see a download for the premium version. I mean, why not make a page for VIP members only who have the account flagged as "Premium and has the...