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Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server


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I'm a collector and a completionist, so the missing battle pets in the MOP and Legion servers I run are driving me crazy. The 3D models are in the game and can be called up in the pet journals but the pets are either missing completely from the various zones, are in the zones but are not flagged as Battle pets, or have other issues making them uncapturable.

I would like to learn how to 'add' these battle pets back into the game. I know how to use HeidiSQL to read the database but I really have no clue where to look and what data needs to be entered.

If someone could please do a guide, like I'm dumb as a rock guide, I would be forever in your debt.

Thank you.


Veteran Member
I am afraid (unless I am wrong here) that this is an issue with whatever core you are using. Emucoach I believe, uses trinitycore, and some things are missing or weren't put in.

Example: The quest "Lazy Peons" in valley of trials - Durotar. The Peons sometimes stand in place and do nothing, they arent doing the "chopping" animation and it takes them a long time to start moving. I have looked all over the database for animations or emotes or anything having to do with the quest. It took me using a special program to open the files (that are used to build the DB) to see that all the quests in the core are in those files. Since I dont know beans about programming, I couldn't fix this, and as such I just have to deal with it.

Other things such as spells and item effects seem to not work also, like for instance a certain exp pot that's supposed to give +100% exp doesn't seem to work at all, however the +300% does. Another example is the boss in Scholomance, the one who splits into multiple copies of herself. All of those copies spawn with a fixed amount of health (as if they are a spell and not an entity), and although something that looks like those copies are in the creatures DB there is literally no way to change the health of that mob, as such when players fight that boss they have to struggle with that fight because the copies are a little too tanky than they should be, this is another instance of something being hard-coded or not put in the DB where we can alter it.

Just little things like that. I think the team who made the core just built it to be about 95% complete with a few things not working here and there and called it good. That's not to say that I don't appreciate their efforts - its just it would be nice if there was a document somewhere that stated what was missing/left out/broken still. Either that or whoever compiled the source for the core either broke some things or left some things out - but there is definitely content still missing and/or broken. I definitely wouldn't have a problem fixing or adding things if i knew how to code, but im a luddite who only knows how to run and fix programs that don't require coding or any particular skill-set.

I know my reply doesn't help you much, and I wish I had more answers for you, but I am just about as in the dark about stuff like this as you are, all the same good luck to you in getting a resolution to this.


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Verified Member
I am afraid (unless I am wrong here) that this is an issue with whatever core you are using. Emucoach I believe, uses trinitycore, and some things are missing or weren't put in.

Example: The quest "Lazy Peons" in valley of trials - Durotar. The Peons sometimes stand in place and do nothing, they arent doing the "chopping" animation and it takes them a long time to start moving. I have looked all over the database for animations or emotes or anything having to do with the quest. It took me using a special program to open the files (that are used to build the DB) to see that all the quests in the core are in those files. Since I dont know beans about programming, I couldn't fix this, and as such I just have to deal with it.

Other things such as spells and item effects seem to not work also, like for instance a certain exp pot that's supposed to give +100% exp doesn't seem to work at all, however the +300% does. Another example is the boss in Scholomance, the one who splits into multiple copies of herself. All of those copies spawn with a fixed amount of health (as if they are a spell and not an entity), and although something that looks like those copies are in the creatures DB there is literally no way to change the health of that mob, as such when players fight that boss they have to struggle with that fight because the copies are a little too tanky than they should be, this is another instance of something being hard-coded or not put in the DB where we can alter it.

Just little things like that. I think the team who made the core just built it to be about 95% complete with a few things not working here and there and called it good. That's not to say that I don't appreciate their efforts - its just it would be nice if there was a document somewhere that stated what was missing/left out/broken still. Either that or whoever compiled the source for the core either broke some things or left some things out - but there is definitely content still missing and/or broken. I definitely wouldn't have a problem fixing or adding things if i knew how to code, but im a luddite who only knows how to run and fix programs that don't require coding or any particular skill-set.

I know my reply doesn't help you much, and I wish I had more answers for you, but I am just about as in the dark about stuff like this as you are, all the same good luck to you in getting a resolution to this.
Both versions I'm using are Trinity core, or Trinity core based.


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Verified Member
How about starting with a WOW Database editor that worked with the 5.4.8 and/or 7.5.5 databases? Battle pets are just NPC with special abilities, right?

I'm not afraid to mess around. I know nothing about scripting or SQL databases but am willing to learn. Is there a tutorial or YouTube video out there
that would help? SOMEONE here must have an idea of where to start!


Verified Member
having the same issue and havent got any actual helpful replies.... I just want to add my own damn battle pets lol. Wouldnt mind putting in the time and work to add them all myself but i cant get them to work...