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  1. Likon69

    [5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP

    Download VT
  2. Likon69

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Not very blizzlike but I like it, keep it up! Do you know if some people made a Shope like in MoP(Blizzlike)? I'm talking about the objects
  3. Likon69

    Addon Playerbots

    Good games to you! Thank you for your positive feedback
  4. Likon69

    Making Server Public?

    I would have done the same thing with Teamwiever. Have fun playing with your friends!
  5. Likon69

    bug Citarre Mapleheart(34761)

    Kalimdor, Teldrassil, Night Elf If I remember well, she has to drop us off not far from where we are going to do the quest
  6. Likon69

    bug 2459

    Kalimdor, Teldrassil, Night Elf Gnarlpine Mystic does not give Tallonkai's Jewel
  7. Likon69

    Making Server Public?

    You change the address in WTF/Config. Not in Data/enGB/realmlist
  8. Likon69

    bug 929

    Kalimdor, Teldrassil, Night Elf Corithras Moonrage does not offer this quest. While i well do the quests suite. Teldrassil: Crown of Azeroth Teldrassil: Passing Awareness
  9. Likon69

    Addon Playerbots

    not a little thank you?
  10. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  11. Likon69

    Making your server public

    please make a report. Are you trying to get it published for your friends or many people?
  12. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Who is not connecting you to the bot? Did you look at the guide and follow it correctly? add me on discord we'll see what's wrong
  13. Likon69

    Servercrash by do a Raid with Bots?!?

    It will be updated soon but they need us. Our bug reports. Please @Mr.Satan or @ExO can you republish this message in Mists of Pandaria bug report section. So that people know how to file a bug report correctly. To make life...
  14. Likon69

    Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)

    Hi, of course you can. If you want to invite & has 5 friends I advise you to use a good old Hamachi or radmin vpn. It's easy for you and your friends to connect.
  15. Likon69

    Servercrash by do a Raid with Bots?!?

    There are several "bot" npcbot and playersbot. It's good to specify it too. I think you use npcbot. Don't use it, it's not stable yet. Try the new bot system. You have commands or my addon.
  16. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    if the errors are in red when you run the profile directly. This means that the offsets are not correct. If the error is "Usersettings" ... in red you should tell me and I will help you to correct it.
  17. Likon69

    Addon Playerbots

    this addon is for playersbot MoP :)
  18. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Add me to the discord and we'll try a couple of things. Your server is not 100% blizzlike. The offsets are not correct for the professions. I think it's the TradeSkills function that is the problem.