You don't buy a PC every day... You can always ask Exo for a new key.
If you know a better way to protect the content and not disturb people too much, suggest it.
First of all, if you are not playing on Emucoach MoP server and you use this bot. You will be immediately BAN!!!
I'm not responsible.
PQR is a rotation bot that uses LUA profiles. It's a very old bot that has its beginnings in WOTLK. And seen it's life finished at the end of MOP.
This bot had a...
Hi, I modify the addon idTip for you.
If you press ALT and aim at an item, in the chat it will write .additem + item id.
Just click enter.
I would make a separate addon. And it will use alt+click on an item to make it easier...
is to play on MoP Emucoach? Use PQR it's much more powerful and better.
If you don't have one, tell me and I'll give you some good pvp and pve profiles and the pqr
is for Emucoach 4.3.4
I doubt that on your repack or server you have the same commands. I can help you make one for your version. Give me the list of commands