Search results

  1. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  2. Jenniy

    One Authserver for Arzeroth and EmuCoach World

    I have had success myself at getting this to work. More specifically, I have had (but am not currently running all of) cMangos 3.3.5, EmuCoach 4.3.4 v7, two EmuCoach 4.3.4 v12, an EmuCoach 4.3.4 v13.1(now all 4 converted to v13.1), another [unknown source] 4.3.4, and EmuCoach 5.4.8 all...
  3. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

    213 | | [ Insert satirical comment here.]
  4. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  5. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  6. Jenniy

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Everything is worth a try! The question you should be asking is; Is it worth keeping?
  7. Jenniy

    Need help with exe

    If you already have the client and are just wanting to connect to your server, you generally don't need to patch WoW.exe (or whatever it's been renamed to) in order to update the realmlist file. There are several great instructions around this forum to find out how to set the correct IP in...
  8. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

    202 Over 1/10 of the way there!
  9. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  10. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  11. Jenniy

    Trinity AdminPanel | 4.3.4

    I was just searching around the internet for something like this and, lo & behold, I ended up right back where I started! :P Thanks for the share BlackVision!
  12. Jenniy

    World of Warcraft - How to Change the Login and Character Creation Screens

    Given that this thread has been dead since 2016, I'm guessing there is little chance the OP will come back and edit/rewrite it! With that said; I found this thread to be a useful resource for breaking into editing the .MPQ file(s) and tinkering around a bit...
  13. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  14. Jenniy

    Event Horizon - A SmartAI Editor (TrinityCore, Emucoach..)

    This seems great, I'm not sure how I haven't come across it before! I'm definitely adding it to my WoW-editing toolbox.
  15. Jenniy

    Sha Pass hash

    What sort of website are you using? It sounds like the site's php is just hooked into the wrong table of the database and could be relatively (If you are comfortable with php) easy to fix.
  16. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  17. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

    179 - It would be nice to get some more contributors to this thread!
  18. Jenniy

    Count To 2.000

  19. Jenniy

    World of Warcraft Downloader

    Time to download ALL THE CLIENTS for my archive. :D
  20. Jenniy

    Mists of Pandaria 5.4.7 Repack npcbot(BAD)

    Thanks for the share! I'll see about getting this server running and test it out as soon as I'm satisfied with my Cataclysm infrastructure.