Check the actual post number (top right corner of each message) - I was 369, and you're 370. This post here makes 371.
As CraigShaw pointed out, 364 was counted twice (TreeOfLife & BlackVision) so they corrected it by skipping ahead an extra digit to get us back on track. ;)
Hmm - The count seems to have gotten a bit mixed up. ( 307, 308, 308, 310, 310, 311, 312...) Therefore, I'm going to go with [( 316 / 317 )] depending on if you go by current count or post #.
We all love your database fixes Dolgan, but it's a widely accepted fact that life-things come before hobbies. As much as I joke about your absence and ask about any new db fixes; your job and child are far more important than the service you provide to this community. We can be patient and wait...