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  1. P

    Can't leave dungeon after dying

    [Race, Faction] Horde, orc, undead, bloodelf all male [Location] Any dungeon instance [Problem Description] If you die while in the dungeon with group at any point even if you complete dungeon and you leave group or try to teleport out, you will get teleported back to the dungeon. [How it should...
  2. P

    Hunter losing pet after dying

    [Race, Faction]- Orc hunter male [Location]- any instance dungeon or raid [Problem Description]- When hunter dies more than a couple time with pet out, the pet is lost and is removed from Hunter's stable [How it should work]- Hunter's pet should never be lost or removed at any point no matter...
  3. P

    V17.1 Warlock's Imp spamming Blood Pact

    [class, race] Warlock Imps of orc, troll, gnome, all [Location] Any map and group play [problem description] spamming the Imp spell Blood Pact every second making a constant noise. [How it should work] The imp buffs the group once and does not spam it every second.
  4. P

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Been out of it for a while, anyone can tell me how good vip mop is with bots? Like what is good and works and what still needs work?
  5. P

    db additions for 13.1 vip

    Basically just giving this info up for whoever wanted it....I'm not a scripter or programmer or anything like that. Just wanted to put this out there...I didn't even run this without deleting stuff before hand and its running great on my server. But as I said I'm not really good at this stuff...
  6. P

    Can't change starting level

    I think its safe to say we both modified the correct file seeing as we were both able to raise the starting level to 85 successfully...But whatever just gonna wait til next version to mess around with this hopefully it will have some good stuff.
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    db additions for 13.1 vip

    I used to be really into this stuff but for me, If I don't do it for a while I forget so with that said I will post this as I have it on my 4.3.4 Mind you it is mostly just an update to the jp and valor vendors as you would need to remove redundant entries that have the old currency...
  8. P

    Anyone else experienced this issue? (CataclysmV13.1 - Solo)

    I usually just restart world server to fix it....but I believe they know about this bug
  9. P

    Can't change starting level

    I had changed the starting level to 85 for all and now I want to undo that and change it back to 1. I tried changing every setting in the world.config where it says "starting level" but it doesn't change in game. How do I fix this? This is for the 4.3.4 cata vip version
  10. P

    V11 Warlock Bugs

    Could it be the display Id not showing the correct weapon?
  11. P

    Need help

    some weird stuff on auth server once its now loaded. but then world server asking for license key and yes ravish123 ur solution worked for me. Ok seems to be working now got key from site after searching a bit. Thank you to those who took time to help me.
  12. P

    Need help

    Ok have them all like you have them now and still getting that same error...............................................
  13. P

    Need help

    How am I mistaken? dont get that part
  14. P

    Need help

    told the other person
  15. P

    Need help

    no one can help me? wtf wish now I had not paid $45....lesson learned
  16. P

    Need help

    have all dlls win 10 I cant get past auth server so I wouldnt know about realm server other than it gave same error when I tried to open it after auth and no I wasn't opening auth server as Admin yes I have that installed
  17. P

    Need help

    Maybe I just need someone to post pics of how everything is supposed to be in the proper folders.....
  18. P

    Need help

    here is screenshot