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db additions for 13.1 vip


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I used to be really into this stuff but for me, If I don't do it for a while I forget how..lol so with that said I will post this as I have it on my 4.3.4
Mind you it is mostly just an update to the jp and valor vendors as you would need to remove redundant entries that have the old currency values.
Also the vendors for the last patch 4.3.4 had an extra vendor that is in the db already but is not spawned with the other vendors in Orgrimmar.


  • catajpandvpvendorsally1.txt
    123.8 KB · Views: 179


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Epic Member
Improved your SQL Query a bit. You see with the current way you are doing it. You are initially sending 880+ requests to your DB. Which can potentially be rather stressful and also take quite a lot of time to run. This was not done to just improve this, But to perhaps get a "good" practice going. When having a large amount of queries then you really want to minimize the amount of requests as much as possible.

This new query only does one request. Sure it has a lot of data but it'll all go through, faster and more efficiently and it will not harm the performance of the SQL Server one bit. It actually prefers it this way.

I recommend doing this on future queries. It is just to get cleaner SQL Queries nothing more :)

(Also you want to delete before inserting, Something i didn't really take the time to include as i doubt there is such data as presented in this SQL from before. But that is also a good practice)


  • catajpandvpvendorsally1.txt
    31.9 KB · Views: 166


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Improved your SQL Query a bit. You see with the current way you are doing it. You are initially sending 880+ requests to your DB. Which can potentially be rather stressful and also take quite a lot of time to run. This was not done to just improve this, But to perhaps get a "good" practice going. When having a large amount of queries then you really want to minimize the amount of requests as much as possible.

This new query only does one request. Sure it has a lot of data but it'll all go through, faster and more efficiently and it will not harm the performance of the SQL Server one bit. It actually prefers it this way.

I recommend doing this on future queries. It is just to get cleaner SQL Queries nothing more :)

(Also you want to delete before inserting, Something i didn't really take the time to include as i doubt there is such data as presented in this SQL from before. But that is also a good practice)
Basically just giving this info up for whoever wanted it....I'm not a scripter or programmer or anything like that.
Just wanted to put this out there...I didn't even run this without deleting stuff before hand and its running great on my server. But as I said I'm not really good at this stuff and don't claim to be. Although this should have been in this repack from the getgo, seein as it is a 4.3.4 repack and not an earlier version. Now with this you can do earlier raids and turn in armor tokens for the appropriate armor.
Oh and I do did I say that you would need to remove redundant entries (things in there more than once) before running this. I actually got this stuff from another 4.3.4 repack I had.


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
Basically just giving this info up for whoever wanted it....I'm not a scripter or programmer or anything like that.
Just wanted to put this out there...I didn't even run this without deleting stuff before hand and its running great on my server. But as I said I'm not really good at this stuff and don't claim to be. Although this should have been in this repack from the getgo, seein as it is a 4.3.4 repack and not an earlier version. Now with this you can do earlier raids and turn in armor tokens for the appropriate armor.
Oh and I do did I say that you would need to remove redundant entries (things in there more than once) before running this. I actually got this stuff from another 4.3.4 repack I had.

My bad, i failed to read about "remove reduntant" part. Alltho i would recommend adding these values in the query when releasing it. Just because its good practice. It takes time but you ensure that it works every-time on everything and for everyone.

I'm not bashing your release at all. It is contribution and good contribution. Alltho i do want to share my experience and knowledge within SQL, As the Database is a very very fragile thing. And if you fuck it up at some point and lets say dont have a backup that is recent then you'll loose so much potential work. =)