Search results

  1. eyerobot

    Bug quest twilight skies 26388 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, twilight skies, horde [What it does] The zeppelin will arrive at the southern rocketway boarding bridge, But there is no fleet that you join, no dragons attack. No parachutes to click. And no quest ender because it drops you at the southern rocketway again. [What it...
  2. eyerobot

    Bug quest Twilight skies 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, twilight skies, horde. 28849 [What it does] Nothing, friz groundspin shows no quest objective. [What it should do] a simple goto quest.
  3. eyerobot

    Bug quest there are many like it 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, there are many like it. Horde [What it does] The rocket cannot be clicked to travel for this quest. [What it should do] Click the rocket, and ride it to the next base.
  4. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Smoot's Samophlange 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, Smoot's Samophlange, horde [What it does] Nothing, Smoot does not react when you /smack him. And gives no loot for quest credit. [What it should do] Smoot should be running all over the harbor, Then when you /smack him, he falls down, and drops a lootable object...
  5. eyerobot

    Missing npc bleenik fizzlefuse azshara 7.02

    Missing npc bleenik fizzlefuse azshara REPLACE INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `spawndist`, `currentwaypoint`, `curhealth`, `curmana`...
  6. eyerobot

    Bug quest investigating the sea shrine 7.02 fix

    [Name, Type] azshara, investigating the sea shrine, horde [What it does] The naga power stone is missing, and does not talk to end quest. [What it should do] Stone should talk and be quest ender.
  7. eyerobot

    But quest azsharite experiment number two 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, azsharite experiment number two, horde [What it does] nothing, assistant greely will not speak to me, so i can be shrunk. [What it should do] He should turn me into a rat, so i can go scare the giant for quest credit...
  8. eyerobot

    Bug quest azsharite experiment number one 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, azsharite experiment number one. horde [What it does] Nothing, the giant won't talk. [What it should do] speak to the giant, to feed him a laxative for quest completion.
  9. eyerobot

    bug quest Befriending giants 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, befriending giants, horde [What it does] Nothing the giant won't talk or react. [What it should do] The giant should have text that you click through for quest completion.
  10. eyerobot

    Bug quest Mysterious azsharite 7.02 fix

    [Name, Type] azshara, mysterious azsharite, horde [What it does] No quest loot in azsharite deposits. [What it should do] loot ore samples for quest REPLACE INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES (9676...
  11. eyerobot

    Bug item artillery signal 49042 7.02

    the item artillery signal does not work. You get a smoke flare on the ground, But the artillery barrage never happens. The item 49042, has a spell attached 67923, But no script name.
  12. eyerobot

    Bug quest raptor raptor rocket 7.02

    [Name, Type] Azshara, raptor raptor rocket, horde [What it does] opening the cages gives no quest credit. [What it should do] open five cages completes the quest. Upon quest turn in, it activates a cut scene where the raptor in the cage blasts off in a rocket...
  13. eyerobot

    bug quest Nine's plan 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, nine's plan, horde [What it does] There is no doorbell to ring, So nobody comes out of the building to attack me. [What it should do] I ring the doorbell, And a large creature with tentacles comes out the door and attacks me. Then it drops secret rocket plans 49204...
  14. eyerobot

    Bug quest Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped, horde [What it does] No effect from pulling the handle. [What it should do] A hulking labgoblin should spawn pushing a cart with an asharite core that i have to protect with my fire extinguisher. all the way back to the rocketway...
  15. eyerobot

    Bug quest when science attacks 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, when science attacks, horde [What it does] The x21 fire extinguisher has no affect on fires, And does not rescue interns. [What it should do] Use the Fireliminator X-21 to extinguish 8 fires and to rescue 6 Research Interns from the inferno at the Secret Lab...
  16. eyerobot

    Bug quest memories of the dead 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, memories of the dead, horde [What it does] Nothing, carrying the ring does not allow you to interact with kalytha. Kalytha doesnt seem to be spawned either. [What it should do] using the realm should put me in a nether realm where i can talk to archmage selwyn to complete...
  17. eyerobot

    Bug quest dozercism 8.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, dozercism, horde [What it does] shooting the flare gun does nothing. [What it should do] shooting the flare gun should cause a preist to air drop in. A database...
  18. eyerobot

    Bug quest gunk in the trunk 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, gunk in the trunk, horde [What it does] Clicking the dozer has no effect. [What it should do] Click the dozer, and it should spit out an ooze creature that i can kill to get the quest item.
  19. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Survey the lakeshore pt 1 of 3 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, survey the lakeshore, horde [What it does] summoning the surveyor works, But the surveyor never takes readings at the markers to give quest credit. [What it should do] Read the survey markers and give quest credit.
  20. eyerobot

    Bug Quest profitability scouting pt 1 of 2 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, profitability scouting pt 1 of 2, horde [What it does] It is autocomplete. [What it should do] Use the stealth field generator to infiltrate the Ruins of Eldarath and identify the Heart of Arkkoroc.