Search results

  1. eyerobot

    Bug quest Lunk's Adventure: Rendan's Weakness 7.0

    Name, Type] Lunk's Adventure: Rendan's Weakness, searing gorge, iron summit, quest [What it does] quest is set to autocomplete, Because it requires a script. [What it should do]Lunk should follow me and continue dancing, while i speak to three iron summit guards...
  2. eyerobot

    Bug quest deceit 7.0

    Name, Type] deceit, iron summit, searing gorge quest [What it does] Quest completer is missing. [What it should do]Quest should turn in to lunk 47429 DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `guid`=555823; INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`...
  3. eyerobot

    Bug quest from whence he came 28062 fix 7.0

    [Name, Type] from whence he came 28062, slag pit, searing gorge [What it does] quest is set to autocomplete But is completable, So there is no reason for it. [What it should do] You use the stone to banish calcinder when he is weak, Which should give the quest credit. However killing him works...
  4. eyerobot

    Bug quest Minions of Calcinder fix 7.0

    Bug quest Minions of Calcinder 7.0 [Name, Type]minions of calcinder, quest slag pit, searing gorge [What it does] This quest was set to autocomplete and text object in its flags. [What it should do]It's a simple kill quest Evidently When...
  5. eyerobot

    Bug quest twisted twilight ties 7.0

    [Name, Type] twisted twilight ties, slag pit, searing gorge [What it does] Hansel heavyhands is missing 14627. [What it should do]I am supposed to talk to hansel, and help him defeat the two overlords, But he has no script, and doesnt talk...
  6. eyerobot

    Bug quest Kill 'em with sleep deprivation 7.0

    [Name, Type] Kill 'em with sleep deprivation, slag pits, Searing gorge [What it does] Quest can't be completed because pillow objects are missing [What it should do]
  7. eyerobot

    Bug quest Rise obsidian, 7.0

    [Name, Type] rise obsidian, searing gorge, horde and alliance. slag pit [What it does] This quest does nothing as it requires a script, and all of the creatures and objects are missing. [What it should do]
  8. eyerobot

    But Quest set them ablaze fix 7.0

    [Name, Type] set them ablaze, quest, searing gorge [What it does] You use the torch at the braziers to light them, But the braziers are missing, [What it should do]Allow lighting the braziers. 149032 west 149025 southwest 149030 southeast...
  9. eyerobot

    Bug Gameobject Quarry Gate Fix 7.0

    Searing gorge, Slag pit. Quarry Gate 161536 There are six gates on the slag pit. And there should only be one. I'm assuming that the lowest guid number is the original one. DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id`=161536; INSERT INTO `gameobject`...
  10. eyerobot

    Bug quest Dig-Boss Dinwhisker 7.0

    [Name, Type] searing gorge, Dig-Boss Dinwhisker, quest , horde [What it does] Killing the dark iron guys does not cause Dig-Boss Dinwhisker to spawn.47271 [What it should do]Killing the dark iron guys for a while causes their boss to spawn, so i can complete the quest. Dig-Boss Dinwhisker -...
  11. eyerobot

    Bug quest Back so soon

    [Name, Type] quest back so soon, Sholazar Basin Horde [What it does] Mistcaller Soo-gan 28114 is invisible to players. My gm can see him, But this quest can't be completed by players. [What it should do]Travel to Mistwhisper Refuge and speak to Mistcaller Soo-gan...
  12. eyerobot

    Arathi Highlands Horde 100% complete

    I played through every single quest in arathi highlands as horde, And was able to complete every quest. There is one small bug where the creatures that attack the dock area in the south via a script, Don't actually move towards you. But this area is 100 percent complete for horde.
  13. eyerobot

    Bug quest matters of loyalty 7.0

    [Name, Type] matters of loyalty, quest, tarren mill, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Nothing [What it should do] Activate a cut scene, and script.
  14. eyerobot

    Bug quest Heroes of the horde 7.0

    [Name, Type] Heroes of the horde, quest, purgation isle, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Nothing [What it should do] First, orkus should be following me everywhere i go, as i do these quests at purgation isle. Changing id's as he needs to for each quest. On this quest i talk to him, He attacks...
  15. eyerobot

    Bug quest Terrible little creatures 7.0

    [Name, Type] Terrible little creatures, quest ruins of southshore, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] The server keeps giving me the quest repeatedly, But never pops open a quest complete box for me to finish it. [What it should do] AT ten kills the server should open a dialogue box, so i can push...
  16. eyerobot

    Bug quest The road to purgation 7.0

    [Name, Type]The road to purgation, quest, ruins of southshore, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Nothing [What it should do] Orkus should put me on a dragon mount that flies me to purgation isle. Where orkus 48470 should give me the next quest. "They will never expect this"...
  17. eyerobot

    Bug quest stormpike rondezvous 7.0

    [Name, Type] stormpike rondezvous, quest, ruins of southshore, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Quest does nothing. [What it should do] Quest should activate this scene here.
  18. eyerobot

    bug quest Gurgle help gurgle 7.0

    [Name, Type] Gurgle help gurgle, quest, ruins of southshore, hillsbrad, horde. [What it does] quest is autocomplete, needs a script. [What it should do] I should talk to orkus, then lead him out of the water for quest completion...
  19. eyerobot

    bug missing npc ruins of southshore 7.0 fix

    48218 Kingslayer Orkus is missing from ruins of southshore at location. REPLACE INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `spawndist`, `currentwaypoint`...
  20. eyerobot

    bug quest helcular's rod giveth 7.0

    [Name, Type] helcular's rod giveth, quest, southshore hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Using helcular's rod on the dark rangers shows the animation, but gives no quest credit. [What it should do] Give quest credit when the rod is used...