Search results

  1. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Miilitary Breakthrough 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, military breakthrough, horde [What it does] sgt dynamo is not lootable. [What it should do] he should loot the sfg.
  2. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Hand-me-downs 7.02

    [Name, Type] azshara, hand-me-downs, horde [What it does] The dead soldiers will not loot the quest item. 49599. [What it should do] Dead soldiers should be lootable during this quest.
  3. eyerobot

    Bug Quest first Degree Mortar 7.02

    [Name, Type] Azshara, forlorn ridge. Horde [What it does] The bilgewater mortars are missing, And once placed they don't work. [What it should do] Firing the bilgewater mortars should kill the spitelash attackers. Bilgewater Mortars placed REPLACE INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`...
  4. eyerobot

    Missing npc's in Darkshore. Aroom, And Elder Brownpaw 7.02 fix

    Missing npc's in Darkshore. Aroom, And Elder Brownpaw Elder brownpaw missing REPLACE INTO `creature_template` (`entry`, `difficulty_entry_1`, `difficulty_entry_2`, `difficulty_entry_3`, `KillCredit1`, `KillCredit2`, `modelid1`, `modelid2`, `modelid3`, `modelid4`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`...
  5. eyerobot

    Missing npc Citizen Wilkes 47791 7.02

    Sludge fields Hillsbrad. Citizen wilkes does not appear where he should be according to the database. However spawning him again makes him show up, But not in phase 1, it's 65535 that i spawned the working one. REPLACE INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`...
  6. eyerobot

    Missing Npc's forlorn ridge azshara. 7.02

    These four npc's had wrong factions, And were missing, Also the quest a warm body was not related to molotov. another warm body 14468 REPLACE INTO `creature_questrelation` (`id`, `quest`) VALUES (36752, 14468); commander molotov missing REPLACE INTO `creature_template` (`entry`...
  7. eyerobot

    But quest Refleshification 7.02

    [Name, Type] Mountainfoot strip mine, azshara, horde [What it does] Nothing [What it should do]The stone miner should thaw out and follow you home.
  8. eyerobot

    Missing objects mountainfoot strip mine azshara 7.02

    [Name, Type] mountainfoot strip mine azshara, Horde [What it does] The weapons cabinet, And headquarters radio are missing from the game, And not associated with any quests. [What it should do]be there, and work for several quests. Beginning with the end of The perfect prism quest. the fixes...
  9. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Up a Tree 7.02

    [Name, Type] Azshara, Orgrimmar wall, Horde [What it does] Using the robots saw blades on the tree does not make snipers fall out to kill for credit. [What it should do]Using the saw blades on a tree makes sniper fall out, So we can kill them for quest credit...
  10. eyerobot

    Keeper Karithusin Darkshore Duplicated 7.02 fix

    Keeper Karithus in Darkshore is duplicated several times. DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `id`=33048; INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`...
  11. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Pierce their heart 13805 7.02 Fix

    [Name, Type] Quest, Splintertree outpost, Ashenvale, Horde [What it does] Using the blood of the keldorei has no effect on the forest heart. [What it should do]give quest credit upon use
  12. eyerobot

    Bugged flight paths 7.0 2

    Flight Paths Kill and Bugged flight paths 7.0 2 Some flight paths are giving damage upon landing, While other ones will kill you every time. This is not a slight intermittent problem, Last night in two hours of play i was killed this way six times. I have no idea what is causing this, But it...
  13. eyerobot

    Missing mobs quest the cleansing of Jintha'kalar 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] the cleansing of Jintha'kalar 'dragonblight, horde [What it does] The mobs are all missing for this quest. [What it should do] Kill any combination of Jintha'kalar mobs for quest completion.
  14. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Mystery of the Infinite, Redux 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] Mystery of the Infinite, Redux, dragonblight, horde [What it does] Script is missing from quest. [What it should do]I protect the hourglass, along with my future self, while waves of mobs attack.
  15. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Worm Wrangler 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] worm wrangler, quest, dragonblight. horde [What it does] Using the crate on the jormunger spawns i get the message, Target is locked to another raid instance. Quest can't be completed. [What it should do] I should use the crate on the worms, Then kill and loot them for the quest...
  16. eyerobot

    Bug Quest Planning for the future 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] planning for the future 11960 26178, moaki harbor, dragonblight, daily [What it does] The snowfall glade pups 26200 are attackable. This does not give quest credit. [What it should do] The pups should be lootable, by right clicking them while they are alive. To get item 35692, And...
  17. eyerobot

    Bug quest meat on the hook 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] meat on the hook, moaki harbor, dragonblight, horde [What it does] When the bait is placed on the hook, it spawns four Tu'u'gwar 26510 which are not attackable. [What it should do] IT should only spawn one that is aggressive. This is the fix for the creatures unit_flags. I have no...
  18. eyerobot

    Bug Object wrecked crab trap 7.0 2 FIX

    Moaki Harbor, Dragonblight, Horde Wrecked crab trap 188364 cannot be used by players as it is untargettable. This fixes it. REPLACE INTO `gameobject_template` (`entry`, `type`, `displayId`, `name`, `IconName`, `castBarCaption`, `unk1`, `faction`, `flags`, `size`, `questItem1`, `questItem2`...
  19. eyerobot

    Bug quest A Hero's Burden 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] A Hero's Burden, sholazar basin, horde [What it does] This quest has no running script, so only altruis can be killed, not completeable. [What it should do] You attack Altruis, Then when she is at 30 percent health, Her two frozen minions will attack you, and she freezes becoming...
  20. eyerobot

    Bug quest The mosswalker saviour 7.0 2

    [Name, Type] the mosswalker saviour, sholazar basin, horde [What it does] Clicking the mosswalker victims does not resurrect them, and it does not give quest credit, It does however occasionally drop bags of shards for the other quest. [What it should do] Clicking the victims should bring up a...