Search results

  1. eyerobot

    bug quest studies in lethality 7.0

    [Name, Type] studies in lethality, quest, southshore, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Using the lethality analyzer on blighted slimes shrinks them, but gives no samples to the player. [What it should do] When using the analyzer it should shrink the slime, while giving blight samples to the...
  2. eyerobot

    bug quest a blight upon the land 7.0

    [Name, Type] a blight upon the land, quest, sludge fields, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Warden stillwater does nothing, He requires a script to make him talk, Then turn aggressive. [What it should do] He should talk then turn aggressive. So i can take his head...
  3. eyerobot

    bug missing npcs sludge fields, hillsbrad 7.0 fix

    Master apothecary Lydon, and Johnny awesome are missing in secondary locations. probably their supposed to be Following me thru the sludge fields once i interact with them. At least it appears that way. Lydon starts as 47900 And switched to 48020 for another quest, And after the final quest...
  4. eyerobot

    bug quest freedom for lydon 7.0 fix

    [Name, Type] freedom for lydon, sludge fields, hillsbrad, horde [What it does] Quest giver and cage are missing. [What it should do] lydon gives you a quest to get his key.
  5. eyerobot

    Bug quest do the right thing 7.0

    [Name, Type] do the right thing, quest sludge fields, hillsbrad, at shovel [What it does] Autocompletes, And there are no human seedlings in the field. [What it should do] The shovel should activate a spell that kills targeted human seedlings until quest completion where it activates a cut...
  6. eyerobot

    Bug Object Shovel in sludge fields 7.0 fix

    Sludge fields, Hillsbrad, Shovel, quest giver object Shovel is non interactive. It should be clickable to players. This fixes it. REPLACE INTO `gameobject_template` (`entry`, `type`, `displayId`, `name`, `IconName`, `castBarCaption`, `unk1`, `faction`, `flags`, `size`, `questItem1`...
  7. eyerobot

    Bug quest no one gets out alive 7.0

    [Name, Type] no one gets out alive, quest, sludge fields hillsbrad [What it does] Looking around the area gives no quest credit. [What it should do] Taking the quest should activate a cut scene that gives quest credit at the end...
  8. eyerobot

    Bug quest coastal delicacies

    [Name, Type] coastal delicacies. quest, azurelode mine hillsbrad, horde [What it does] No spider spawns, It appears that the script is completely inactive. [What it should do] The spider should follow me, and eat murlocks as i kill them...
  9. eyerobot

    Bug quest crossroads caravan delivery 7.0

    [Name, Type] crossroads caravan delivery, quest, northern barrens [What it does] You are told to talk to rocco whipshanks to begin the journey by caravan to the crossroads. But rocco doesnt speak. [What it should do] He should speak to me, and put me on the caravan to the crossroads...
  10. eyerobot

    Bug quest by hook or by crook 7.0

    [Name, Type] by hook or by crook, quest northern barrens [What it does] Attempting to speak to the captured prisoner does nothing. [What it should do] I should be able to interrogate him in steps, Until quest completion.
  11. eyerobot

    Bug quest lost in the floods

    [Name, Type] lost in the floods, quest razor hill [What it does] Using the telescope once shows the first flood survivor, Then on the second use it tries to show the flooded hut, But just hangs, and wont complete. [What it should do] it should show the four locations and give quest credit...
  12. eyerobot

    Bug quest never trust a big barg and a smile 7.0

    [Name, Type] never trust a big barg and a smile, quest, senjin village [What it does] Using the totem near clattering scorpids does nothing. [What it should do] It should extract their poison.
  13. eyerobot

    But quest adding injury to insult

    [Name, Type] adding injury to insult, quest, howling fjord [What it does] Using the scroll to insult the vrykul does work, But he will only follow you halfway to the water, and then turns back. Also killing him gives no quest credit, at least not by his house, as i wasnt able to get him across...
  14. eyerobot

    Bug quest a lesson in fear 7.0

    [Name, Type] a lesson in fear, quest, howling fjord [What it does] Using the banner on the corpse gives no quest credit. [What it should do] It should give credit for the three fallen heroes as you use the banner on their corpses.
  15. eyerobot

    Bug quest Warning some assembly required 7.0

    [Name, Type] Warning some assembly required, quest, new agamand, howling fjord [What it does] using the assembly kit does not turn me into anything. [What it should do] The assembly kit should turn me into a monster,so i can blow up vrykuls...
  16. eyerobot

    Bug quest Field test 7.0

    [Name, Type] field test, quest, howling fjord, horde [What it does] Using the plague sprayer on a vrykul makes them larger, but i don't get quest credit. [What it should do] give me quest credit when i use the sprayer on them. and then kill them...
  17. eyerobot

    bug quest draconis gastritis 7.0

    [Name, Type] draconis gastritis, howling fjord, horde [What it does] used the raw meat to lure the dragons, but nothing happens, possible missing or broken script. [What it should do] A dragon should come down to eat the meat and give me quest credit...
  18. eyerobot

    bug quest Test AT Sea, Possible core bug 7.0

    [Name, Type] Test at sea, Quest, Howling fjord, Vengeance landing, Horde [What it does] The bat handler flies you over some ships to bomb some guys, But the npc's never seem to load, so you can't see them or get quest credit. [What it should do] The ships should be full of guys to throw...
  19. eyerobot

    Bug Giant Tidecrawler, Too few of them 7.0

    [Name, Type] Giant Tidecrawler 23929, creature [What it does] There are maybe five of them. [What it should do] The entire coast north of vengeance landing in howling fjord should have these critters, Both in and out of the water. I have no retail data for their placement, But i have seen my...
  20. eyerobot

    bug quest glorious harvest 7.0

    [Name, Type] glorious harvest, quest, hillsbrad, southpointe gate [What it does] There are no eggs to harvest. [What it should do] There should be eggs on the bears backsides to harvest after killing them. But there are none...