Search results

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    [Quest] Circle the Wagons... Er, Boats

    Quest ID 25561 Apparently there are 2 identical quests for alliance for the exact same quest. Auto completing 25561 confirms this ID is the current correct one.
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    [Quest] Circle the Wagons... Er, Boats

    Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Alliance, Female, Night Elf Name, Type :: Circle the Wagons... Er, Boats - Quest (Quest ID: 25542) Problem Statement :: After clicking on Mazzer Stripscrew (NPC ID 40726) He does mount you to the turret on the boat, you have the controls to...
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    [Quest] Pirates Accuracy Increasing Quest, not working correctly

    Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Alliance, Female, Night Elf Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest (Quest ID: 25532) Problem Statement :: After clicking on Mazzer Stripscrew (NPC ID 40726) He does mount you to the turret on the boat, you have the...
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    [Quest] Freezing the Pipes

    Thousand Needles, Sunken Dig Site, Alliance, Night Elf, Female Quest: Freezing the Pipes - Fourth Pipe Frozen task, location 64.85, 85.72, using the I-Scream Cryocannon ItemID: 62912 Quest ID: 28047 Unable to freeze the fourth pipe, all 3 other pipes could be frozen just fine. Using the Item...
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    Addon Npcbot_MoP

    Trying both versions, they look interesting!
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    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    It looks good so far, should be interesting to play with.
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    [Quest] (24901) Town-In-A-Box

    Quest: Town-In-A-Box: Under Attack Quest ID: 24901 Horde - Goblin - Female Location: The Lost Isles Issue: Can mount the B.C. Eliminator but no Oomlot Warriors run down the hill or are attackable. Quest Completion: Defeat 30 Oomlot Warriors Quest Objective Credit ID: 38536 Quest Start NPC: Sassy...
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Just finished checking out the free version and decided to make the jump to Premium. Looks like you guys are doing great!
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    Rules and Licensing?

    Found my answer after deep diving Discord somewhat. License Installation Semi rules: Also when prompting World server first time IT Will ask for a license key That key can u generate on the forums nav menu at the top Theres a button labeled generate license Its a one time use So if u want to...
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    Rules and Licensing?

    So I apparently didn't word that well... like how does the license work and what invalidates your license?
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    Rules and Licensing?

    I'm trying to find the general rules for the site and a FAQ for how the licensing works. Does anyone have a link to the section of this forum that would have that information? Kinda want to know the does and don't before jumping on the donation train. Any help would be appreciated!!
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    I'm new to the site, I'm rather looking forward to poking around and seeing what's new.