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[Quest] Pirates Accuracy Increasing Quest, not working correctly


Verified Member
I have a 3 for 1, I'm putting all on the same ticket because I think they are chained from my first interaction.

Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Horde, Male, Pandarian
Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest
Problem Statement :: When starting this quest from Griznak on a mount you are not able to mount the boat
How it should work :: When starting this quest from Griznak if you are to auto-jump on the boat ensure that mount de-spawns if it is spawned

Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Horde, Male, Pandarian
Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest, http://cata.cavernoftime.com/quest=25533
Problem Statement :: After doing the above, if you are on the boat there are no boat controls to put out the fires
How it should work :: There should be items that you can click to put out fires, the only thing you can do is jump off the boat

Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Horde, Male, Pandarian
Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest
Problem Statement :: After doing the above, if you are on the boat if you jump out of the boat, and then jump back in the boat you can manually control it and fly anywhere on the map or in Kalemdor
How it should work :: Honestly I'm not sure the behavior, maybe when you jump out of the boat the mission is failed or the boat despawns and the quest needs to be restarted? Or start "Whole new world" from Aladdin when this is triggered .. it's what I was thinking as I was piloting my boat into a different zone :D

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MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Alliance, Female, Night Elf
Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest (Quest ID: 25532)
Problem Statement :: After clicking on Mazzer Stripscrew (NPC ID 40726) He does mount you to the turret on the boat, you have the controls to use, however you immediately sink to the bottom of the lake in the turret and cruise around with the boat above you. Any fires you try to put out are listed as 'out of range'. Dismounting allows you to swim back up to the surface but the boat, and all other NPCs, are missing. Need to log out and back in for everything to pop back up. You can remount the boat after to log back in but you sink back to the bottom again. Unable to remount boat as it de-spawns before you can get back to it.
How it should work :: Mount the turret on the boat and are able to aim and 'put out' fires as the boat makes laps around the Speedbarge.