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  1. Endafy

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Can you upload a torrent of everything please? mega is asking for money.
  2. Endafy

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    I'm going to have to look at this, this weekend. Any chance on it running on Linux natively? It would be great to run on my file server.
  3. Endafy

    Favorite Repack

    I can't fathom what's going through square enix employees heads right now. They must be chuffed though.
  4. Endafy

    Favorite Repack

    Redacted, posting error
  5. Endafy

    Favorite Repack

    Final fantasy 14 is crushing wow. There's so many people playing ff14 that it's hard to describe. Wow is for all intents and purposes dead now. You login to wow and there's maybe 150 people on, you login to ff14 and there's millions... I thought bfa was great. I can't wait for a repack if it...
  6. Endafy

    Count To 2.000

    629 In what universe would a , be considered a stop, and a . be considered a continuation? Y'all are backwards.
  7. Endafy

    Favorite Repack

    I am waiting to see if BFA will even be possible, BFA was an amazing expansion. Shadowlands is alright but it lacks a LOT of content.
  8. Endafy

    Count To 2.000

    625 Denmark needs to learn the difference between a . and a , lol
  9. Endafy

    Count To 2.000

    622 because 2.0 was ages ago.
  10. Endafy

    Count To 2.000

    You all failed, he said 2.0 not 617... You went way to far...
  11. Endafy

    Will the new MOP repack be vip or vip gold only?

    I think it should be. At least for a little while. I think that it would produce the best quality and keep it out of the public eye. Sometimes your hard work isn't meant to be judged by the worst judges of character. Making things like this for free attracts a crowd and things can get out of...
  12. Endafy

    Still chillin

    Still chillin
  13. Endafy

    How Come !

    there are code limitations, sorry I misread your question.
  14. Endafy

    Favorite Repack

    Lights hope is 100% vanilla recreated meticulously. I kind of skipped tbc. I remember jeuties being 87% for 3.3.5a. idk how good 3.3.5a is now, I assume it's better. Emucoach is 99.9% with like 11 bugged quests that can be fixed in the database but still needs the base scripts finished, and...
  15. Endafy

    V14 Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way

    oddly enough this was a bug for a while during cata and Blizz had to fix it, and as this aims to 100% emulate cata, some of these bugs seem to crop up from time to time. There is a database fix coming.
  16. Endafy

    My favorite addon was released as foss!

    Carbonite Quest Helper! I figured I would share this with everyone who loves Cata as much as I do, and wants the best possible addon for questing throughout 4.3.4!
  17. Endafy

    Launcher idea

    I could do a client launcher and a server launcher. Bat files are difficult to get right. I'll get to work on it tomorrow and link a GitHub archive. Something that checks visual studio 2013 is installed etc. I find 2008 to be finicky and 2013 just werkz on windows server 2019. I was also...
  18. Endafy

    New Version (14) for #1 Official EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack

    Upgraded my server and it's so close to being 100%... Wow great work man!
  19. Endafy

    WoW Trading Card game items

    Thanks I am going to program a vendor containing these and place it in Stormwind and Orgrimmar and provide the files etc here when I grow weary of TBC classic. I actually don't mind paying the monthly fee but I really wish they would do ALL expansions...
  20. Endafy

    Launcher idea

    So I had a thought, I might work on creating a branded EmuCoach client, it would be a launcher, I could easily create a torrent that is the full game clients of cata and mop, but the launcher would look close to something Blizz has where you can choose your version, and hit play, where you could...