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V14 Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Crystalsong, Violet Stand/Dalaran, Horde. Tauren Male Deathknight/Warrior
  • [Name, Type] Teleport to Dalaran Crystal, gameobject 191229, or Teleport to Violet Stand Crystal, gameobject 191229
  • [Problem Description] During the quest "Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way" quest 12790, you can use the teleport to violet stand crystal to teleport to the ground but the teleport to dalaran crystal will not allow you to return. It gives the error: This teleport crystal cannot be used until the teleport crystal in Dalaran has been used at least once
  • [How it should work] The second crystal should allow you back up right away as you just used the other crystal to go down. It seems that the first crystal is not flagging some event or variable associated with your character so the second crystal does not know that you already used the first crystal


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Corning NY
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Crystalsong, Violet Stand/Dalaran, Horde. Tauren Male Deathknight/Warrior
  • [Name, Type] Teleport to Dalaran Crystal, gameobject 191229, or Teleport to Violet Stand Crystal, gameobject 191229
  • [Problem Description] During the quest "Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way" quest 12790, you can use the teleport to violet stand crystal to teleport to the ground but the teleport to dalaran crystal will not allow you to return. It gives the error: This teleport crystal cannot be used until the teleport crystal in Dalaran has been used at least once
  • [How it should work] The second crystal should allow you back up right away as you just used the other crystal to go down. It seems that the first crystal is not flagging some event or variable associated with your character so the second crystal does not know that you already used the first crystal
oddly enough this was a bug for a while during cata and Blizz had to fix it, and as this aims to 100% emulate cata, some of these bugs seem to crop up from time to time. There is a database fix coming.


Verified Member
This is still a bug in V15.


  • Quest 12790.png
    Quest 12790.png
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