Search results

  1. xadowtek

    AshamaneCore Legion 7.3.2 [Open-source]

    I think that ashamane it's a core most stable thant trinity. it's a shame they don't keep updating it ( i refer to legion version). I hate BFA.
  2. xadowtek

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    it works very well, it's on update 6.1 and will go for update 7.
  3. xadowtek

    LegionCore 7.3.5 Repack - Version 2020_04_25_Final

    Is there any way to download LegionCore Server compiled¿?¿?. I try to found it, but i can't find it. I want to try Legion...
  4. xadowtek

    AzerothCore-wotlk Solo Friendly Repack with Eluna

    a very good repack. i played it a lot and everythings work ok. One of teh best repak of WOLK.
  5. xadowtek

    TwilightCore 4.3.4 Repack

    thx i try it too . i'm searching for a estable server to play with my friends