Search results

  1. Aescleal

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Thanks for this znzz! This is a very cool project. Are we able to open the db as root? I only see spp_user.
  2. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    Memory peaks at 5.3/13.8. Not even close to 100% while Worldserver loads. Something's up. I'm on a mission to install Windows on hardware instead of virtual machine. First to back "everything" up. Then cross my fingers.
  3. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    This is the crash log that goes with the above. This is beyond my understanding, and all I get from it is that it looks like it's out of memory or something. I had Legion running for months with no problems except for a Worldserver halt every 24 hours, so a restart would be necessary each...
  4. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    I've done a 100% clean install. Clean Windows 10 Pro install. All redists are installed from 2008 -> current. Newest OpenSSL libraries I could find for windows 1.0.2r-x64, are copied into the Release folder. And I get this far before it closes the Worldserver console. This is the Server...
  5. Aescleal

    [Trinity] Vendors for 5.4.2/5.4.8 MoP

    Is there still a copy of this vendor query some place? It's no longer available at the link above. I'd like to use this. Thanks!
  6. Aescleal

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    You could start here.
  7. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    Worldserver creates a server.log file that is 10MB. So it's too large to attach, but this is how it ends right before it kicks out and the terminal closes: 2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 23922 quest relations from creature_questender in 97 ms 2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading...
  8. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    Where are /dbc /maps /mmaps /vmaps and /camera folders supposed to reside? I have them in /Release/Data. That is also where /gt was (and I don't remember putting /gt in there, so maybe I accidentally dragged it there).
  9. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    Thanks ExO. I don't know how that happened, or how I kept repeating the mistake. What should the folder structure of /Release look like? The reason I ask is because it does load more now, but still dumps out before it finishes.
  10. Aescleal

    Automatic Server Shutdown - Any Suggestions?

    Is there no way to pass a command from script, into a window? What if the servers are running in console screens? I’ll test drive this.
  11. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    I replaced the Release folder with a fresh copy. Worldserver.exe no longer chokes the CPU, but it still won't load. I get the following msg. I checked permissions on the new Release folder (including the fresh copy of Data folder). Also, I removed Read-Only on all, including the gt folder...
  12. Aescleal

    New Legion Server install

    Hey folks. I recently had a hardware failure and had to move my server (again) to new virtualbox vm. I'm setting it up on Windows10. It has 12GB ram and 1TB SSD. Windows has all x86 and 64 vc_redists and openssl 1.0.2r-x64. MySQL server starts beautifully. bnetserver starts beautifully...
  13. Aescleal

    New Forum Software/Design

    Hey, it looks and feels awesome! Great job! It has a fast feel about it. Way-to-go! I'll have to get around to fixing my Sig now. ;)
  14. Aescleal

    Can you make Horde races play on Alliance?

    Hi, I was asked today if it is possible to move Tauren from Horde to Alliance. So the scenario would be, when you create a Tauren character and log in, you would have all the faction and reputation so you are friendly with Alliance. Has anything like this been done? Thanks, Aes
  15. Aescleal

    Legion World Server Halts

    Approximately every 24 hours the Legion worldserver halts. It just stops as though it's a scheduled process. How do I disable or control this? I don't know how this affects a Windows server, but in Linux it simply locks down the worldserver.exe terminal and you have to kill the process in...
  16. Aescleal

    FusionCMS, Help!!!

    Hi folks, I've run the repack for a couple of years, but never with the web portion set up. Now I'm trying to get 7.3.5 set up and it looks like we need to create accounts with FusionCMS. Is there a How-to for setting up the web front end and using FusionCMS? If I'm confused here and the two...
  17. Aescleal

    Legion Repack?

    Hey guys! This from another thread under the 5.4.8 Repack. So I'm wondering if there will be an update on this in the coming days? It sounds very exciting! I enjoy the emucoach CATA Repack, playing on v12 probably 2-3 times/week, and I don't see that changing soon, but I'd love to play on it...
  18. Aescleal

    64-bit clients

    Hi folks, It's been a while! Nice to be back! Recently my iMac was updated to MacOS Catalina 10.15. Since then I get this error when launching the Mac Cataclysm client: World of Warcraft: Bad CPU type in executable 10.15 dropped support for 32-bit apps, so I suppose this makes sense. But...
  19. Aescleal

    Unable to connect. Pleast try again later.

    Hi EmuCoach. I'm trying to solve the following logon issue: 1. I've port forward 3724 and 8085 to my internal IP address 2. MySQL realmlist is set up with my public IP 3. A friends client is set up with my public IP They get the logon screen. They enter there account name/pswd...
  20. Aescleal

    Can you increase default dialog text cache

    I'm hoping to increase the default amount of text that can populate the dialog window. My reasoning: From in game I sometimes look up spells or items and the list quickly populates and sometimes runs out of room. So I don't get to see the whole list. For example: .lookup spell shield This...