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New Legion Server install


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hey folks.
I recently had a hardware failure and had to move my server (again) to new virtualbox vm. I'm setting it up on Windows10. It has 12GB ram and 1TB SSD.
Windows has all x86 and 64 vc_redists and openssl 1.0.2r-x64.
MySQL server starts beautifully.
bnetserver starts beautifully.
worldserver starts but immediately halts on loading <db2>. That's where my VM pins to 100% cpu and becomes unresponsive.

Does anybody know more about this or how to find a way around it? Google has not been my friend on this thus far.



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I replaced the Release folder with a fresh copy. Worldserver.exe no longer chokes the CPU, but it still won't load. I get the following msg.
I checked permissions on the new Release folder (including the fresh copy of Data folder). Also, I removed Read-Only on all, including the gt folder.
And I get these errors.


2020-07-16_12:42:20 TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
2020-07-16_12:42:20 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2020-07-16_12:42:20 ______ __
2020-07-16_12:42:20 /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__
2020-07-16_12:42:20 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __
2020-07-16_12:42:20 \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
2020-07-16_12:42:20 \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
2020-07-16_12:42:20 \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
2020-07-16_12:42:20 \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
2020-07-16_12:42:20 /\___/
2020-07-16_12:42:20 http://uwow.biz/ \/__/

2020-07-16_12:42:20 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
2020-07-16_12:42:20 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019)
2020-07-16_12:42:20 Using Boost version: 1.63.0
2020-07-16_12:42:20 LEGION REPACK - 7.3

2020-07-16_12:42:20 RELEASED AT EMUCOACH.COM
2020-07-16_12:42:21 Process priority class set to HIGH
2020-07-16_12:42:22 Realm running as realm ID 1
2020-07-16_12:42:22 Using World DB: UWOWDB v.1
2020-07-16_12:42:22 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
2020-07-16_12:42:22 Using DataDir ./
2020-07-16_12:42:22 WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
2020-07-16_12:42:22 VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1
2020-07-16_12:42:22 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Loading anticheat library
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Loading table 'cheat_sanctions'
2020-07-16_12:42:23 >> 30 anticheat checks loaded
2020-07-16_12:42:23 ---INITIALIZE ANTICHEAT SYSTEM---
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Load anticheat data...
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Loading Trinity strings...
2020-07-16_12:42:23 >> Loaded 1288 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 5 ms
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Loading db2 info...
2020-07-16_12:42:23 >> Initialized 1 DB2 data stores in 11 ms
2020-07-16_12:42:23 Loading hotfix info...
2020-07-16_12:42:23 >> Loaded 0 hotfix records in 17 ms
Some required *.txt GameTable files (31) not found or not compatible:
GameTable file ./gt\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BarberShopCostBase.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BaseMp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatings.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HpPerSta.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClass.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NPCManaCostScaler.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\SpellScaling.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\xp.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\HonorLevel.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactLevelXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetXP.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeDamage.txt cannot be opened.
GameTable file ./gt\ChallengeModeHealth.txt cannot be opened.


Are you certain that the folder gt is created and set in the Release folder, and that the files. eg. ChallengeModeHealth.txt are right next to it?
I often see that they're in a subfolder.

Eg. Release/gt/gt/ChallengeModeHealth.txt.
Whereas, it should be:


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Thanks ExO. I don't know how that happened, or how I kept repeating the mistake. What should the folder structure of /Release look like?
The reason I ask is because it does load more now, but still dumps out before it finishes.


I've seen it happen for a few people, so no worries. Do you have an error again, like on the previous case?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Where are /dbc /maps /mmaps /vmaps and /camera folders supposed to reside? I have them in /Release/Data. That is also where /gt was (and I don't remember putting /gt in there, so maybe I accidentally dragged it there).


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Worldserver creates a server.log file that is 10MB. So it's too large to attach, but this is how it ends right before it kicks out and the terminal closes:

2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 23922 quest relations from creature_questender in 97 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Scenario POI
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 547 scenario POI definitions in 57 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 WorldStateMgr::LoadTemplatesFromDB >> Loaded 14024 templates
2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 59 world_quest_template data.
2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 668 world_quest_update data.
2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 49 world_quest_item data.
2020-07-24_10:25:14 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 108 world_quest data.
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Objects Pooling Data...
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 3207 objects pools in 6 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 656 creatures in pools in 2 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 0 gameobject in pools in 114 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Mother Pooling Data...
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 2282 pools in mother pools in 101 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Loading Quest Pooling Data...
2020-07-24_10:25:14 >> Loaded 174 quests in pools in 3 ms
2020-07-24_10:25:14 Starting objects pooling system...


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I've done a 100% clean install. Clean Windows 10 Pro install. All redists are installed from 2008 -> current. Newest OpenSSL libraries I could find for windows 1.0.2r-x64, are copied into the Release folder. And I get this far before it closes the Worldserver console.

This is the Server console log. It's fully 10MB, so this is the the last portion.

What am I missing or forgetting?

2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 247427
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 250197
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 237139
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 237135
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 252200
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 239337
2020-07-28_16:15:05 SpellMgr::GetSpellInfo: Try to get spellInfo for non-existing spell 253442
2020-07-28_16:15:05 LoadQuests() >> Loaded 30313 quests definitions in 3465 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:05 Loading Gameobject quest visual...
2020-07-28_16:15:05 >> Loaded 5 game object quest visual in 30 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:05 Checking Quest Disables
2020-07-28_16:15:05 >> Checked 1631 quest disables in 0 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:05 LoadQuestPOI() >> Table quest_poi references unknown quest points for quest 3092 POI id 0
2020-07-28_16:15:05 LoadQuestPOI() >> Table quest_poi references unknown quest points for quest 31035 POI id 0
2020-07-28_16:15:05 LoadQuestPOI() >> Table quest_poi references unknown quest points for quest 50804 POI id 0
2020-07-28_16:15:05 LoadQuestPOI() >> Loaded 89357 quest POI definitions in 792 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 931 quest relations from gameobject_queststarter in 30 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 791 quest relations from gameobject_questender in 35 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 15846 quest relations from creature_queststarter in 85 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 128 quest relations from area_queststart in 24 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadQuestRelationsHelper >> Loaded 23922 quest relations from creature_questender in 92 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Scenario POI
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 547 scenario POI definitions in 62 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 WorldStateMgr::LoadTemplatesFromDB >> Loaded 14024 templates
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 59 world_quest_template data.
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 668 world_quest_update data.
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 49 world_quest_item data.
2020-07-28_16:15:06 LoadWorldQuestTemplates() >> Loaded 108 world_quest data.
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Objects Pooling Data...
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 3207 objects pools in 3 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 656 creatures in pools in 1 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 0 gameobject in pools in 113 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Mother Pooling Data...
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 2282 pools in mother pools in 93 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Loading Quest Pooling Data...
2020-07-28_16:15:06 >> Loaded 174 quests in pools in 3 ms
2020-07-28_16:15:06 Starting objects pooling system...


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
This is the crash log that goes with the above. This is beyond my understanding, and all I get from it is that it looks like it's out of memory or something. I had Legion running for months with no problems except for a Worldserver halt every 24 hours, so a restart would be necessary each morning. But it ran well otherwise.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Revision: TrinityCore rev. Archived 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 ( branch) (Win64, Release)
Date 28:7:2020. Time 16:15
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4110M CPU @ 2.60GHz
Number Of Processors: 2
Physical Memory: 12534324 KB (Available: 6167848 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 14434868 KB

*** Operation System ***
Windows 10 Professional (Version 10.0, Build 19041)

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00007FF7600D063E 01:00000000011FF63E C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

R8: 000001B01D225F83
R9: 0000000000000000
SS:RSP:002B:00000000B86FD570 RBP:606700C0
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FF7600D063E 0000009FB86FD5A0 0001:00000000011FF63E C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75F874EA8 0000009FB86FD650 0001:00000000009A3EA8 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75FDE4F35 0000009FB86FD730 0001:0000000000F13F35 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75FDE6023 0000009FB86FD760 0001:0000000000F15023 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75FDE4227 0000009FB86FEA10 0001:0000000000F13227 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75F8420E5 0000009FB86FEE30 0001:00000000009710E5 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFEC70F 0000009FB86FFAD0 0001:000000000011B70F C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF760200A10 0000009FB86FFB10 0001:000000000132FA10 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB86FFB40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB86FFBC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0CBC4 0000009FB86FB640 ZwGetContextThread+14
000000000000032C 0000009FB86FB648 0000:0000000000000000
000000000000001C 0000009FB86FB650 0000:0000000000000000
0000009FB86FC411 0000009FB86FB658 0000:0000000000000000
0000000000000001 0000009FB86FB660 0000:0000000000000000
0000000000000328 0000009FB86FB668 0000:0000000000000000

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AE14 0000009FB89FF8D0 NtWaitForSingleObject+14
00007FFD097326EE 0000009FB89FF970 WaitForSingleObjectEx+8E
00007FF75EFCEEB3 0000009FB89FF9A0 0001:00000000000FDEB3 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFEB97F 0000009FB89FF9E0 0001:000000000011A97F C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB89FFA10 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB89FFA40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB89FFAC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AEB4 0000009FB8AFF630 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFD0976E9BF 0000009FB8AFF690 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF75EFE63AC 0000009FB8AFF780 0001:00000000001153AC C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE9DDE 0000009FB8AFF7F0 0001:0000000000118DDE C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE3139 0000009FB8AFF830 0001:0000000000112139 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8AFF860 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8AFF890 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8AFF8C0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8AFF940 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AEB4 0000009FB8BFF950 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFD0976E9BF 0000009FB8BFF9B0 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF75EFE63AC 0000009FB8BFFAA0 0001:00000000001153AC C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE9DDE 0000009FB8BFFB10 0001:0000000000118DDE C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE3139 0000009FB8BFFB50 0001:0000000000112139 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8BFFB80 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8BFFBB0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8BFFBE0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8BFFC60 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8CFF610 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8CFF690 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8CFF6D0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8CFF700 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198
00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8CFF780 _Cnd_destroy+70
00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8CFF820 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8CFF860 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8CFF890 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8CFF8C0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8CFF8F0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8CFF970 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8DFF810 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8DFF890 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8DFF8D0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8DFF900 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198
00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8DFF980 _Cnd_destroy+70
00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8DFFA20 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8DFFA60 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8DFFA90 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8DFFAC0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8DFFAF0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8DFFB70 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8EFF6F0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8EFF770 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8EFF7B0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8EFF7E0 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198
00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8EFF860 _Cnd_destroy+70
00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8EFF900 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8EFF940 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8EFF970 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe
00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8EFF9A0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8EFF9D0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8EFFA50 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E7E4 0000009FB90FF7A0 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+14
00007FFD0B9823D7 0000009FB90FFAA0 LdrAccessResource+15B7
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB90FFAD0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB90FFB50 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E7E4 0000009FB91FF5A0 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+14
00007FFD0B9823D7 0000009FB91FF8A0 LdrAccessResource+15B7
00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB91FF8D0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB91FF950 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FF7600D063E 0000009FB86FD5A0 0001:00000000011FF63E C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F874EA8 0000009FB86FD650 0001:00000000009A3EA8 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE4F35 0000009FB86FD730 0001:0000000000F13F35 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE6023 0000009FB86FD760 0001:0000000000F15023 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE4227 0000009FB86FEA10 0001:0000000000F13227 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F8420E5 0000009FB86FEE30 0001:00000000009710E5 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFEC70F 0000009FB86FFAD0 0001:000000000011B70F C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF760200A10 0000009FB86FFB10 0001:000000000132FA10 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB86FFB40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB86FFBC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0CBC4 0000009FB86FB640 ZwGetContextThread+14

000000000000032C 0000009FB86FB648 0000:0000000000000000

000000000000001C 0000009FB86FB650 0000:0000000000000000

0000009FB86FC411 0000009FB86FB658 0000:0000000000000000

0000000000000001 0000009FB86FB660 0000:0000000000000000

0000000000000328 0000009FB86FB668 0000:0000000000000000

0000000000000001 0000009FB86FB670 0000:0000000000000000

00007FF75EFF7A7D 0000009FB86FBBA0 0001:0000000000126A7D C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFF5CD1 0000009FB86FC230 0001:0000000000124CD1 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFF6E15 0000009FB86FC520 0001:0000000000125E15 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD0981B867 0000009FB86FC640 UnhandledExceptionFilter+1E7

00007FFD0BA13973 0000009FB86FC680 memset+1B33

00007FFD0B9FB686 0000009FB86FC6F0 __C_specific_handler+96

00007FFD0BA100EF 0000009FB86FC720 __chkstk+11F

00007FFD0B9BB474 0000009FB86FCE30 RtlRaiseException+434

00007FFD0BA0EC1E 0000009FB86FD560 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+2E

00007FF7600D063E 0000009FB86FD5A0 0001:00000000011FF63E C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F874EA8 0000009FB86FD650 0001:00000000009A3EA8 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE4F35 0000009FB86FD730 0001:0000000000F13F35 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE6023 0000009FB86FD760 0001:0000000000F15023 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75FDE4227 0000009FB86FEA10 0001:0000000000F13227 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F8420E5 0000009FB86FEE30 0001:00000000009710E5 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFEC70F 0000009FB86FFAD0 0001:000000000011B70F C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF760200A10 0000009FB86FFB10 0001:000000000132FA10 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB86FFB40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB86FFBC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AE14 0000009FB89FF8D0 NtWaitForSingleObject+14

00007FFD097326EE 0000009FB89FF970 WaitForSingleObjectEx+8E

00007FF75EFCEEB3 0000009FB89FF9A0 0001:00000000000FDEB3 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFEB97F 0000009FB89FF9E0 0001:000000000011A97F C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB89FFA10 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB89FFA40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB89FFAC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AEB4 0000009FB8AFF630 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14

00007FFD0976E9BF 0000009FB8AFF690 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F

00007FF75EFE63AC 0000009FB8AFF780 0001:00000000001153AC C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE9DDE 0000009FB8AFF7F0 0001:0000000000118DDE C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE3139 0000009FB8AFF830 0001:0000000000112139 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8AFF860 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8AFF890 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8AFF8C0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8AFF940 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0AEB4 0000009FB8BFF950 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14

00007FFD0976E9BF 0000009FB8BFF9B0 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F

00007FF75EFE63AC 0000009FB8BFFAA0 0001:00000000001153AC C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE9DDE 0000009FB8BFFB10 0001:0000000000118DDE C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE3139 0000009FB8BFFB50 0001:0000000000112139 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8BFFB80 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8BFFBB0 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8BFFBE0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8BFFC60 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8CFF610 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14

00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8CFF690 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131

00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8CFF6D0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29

00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8CFF700 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198

00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8CFF780 _Cnd_destroy+70

00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8CFF820 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8CFF860 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8CFF890 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8CFF8C0 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8CFF8F0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8CFF970 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8DFF810 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14

00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8DFF890 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131

00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8DFF8D0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29

00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8DFF900 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198

00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8DFF980 _Cnd_destroy+70

00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8DFFA20 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8DFFA60 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8DFFA90 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8DFFAC0 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8DFFAF0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8DFFB70 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E784 0000009FB8EFF6F0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14

00007FFD0B9D4F71 0000009FB8EFF770 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131

00007FFD0977AB69 0000009FB8EFF7B0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29

00007FFCFE9C8368 0000009FB8EFF7E0 ?_Syserror_map@std@@YAPEBDH@Z+198

00007FFCFE9C8530 0000009FB8EFF860 _Cnd_destroy+70

00007FF76011B037 0000009FB8EFF900 0001:000000000124A037 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75F89523C 0000009FB8EFF940 0001:00000000009C423C C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FF75EFE26E9 0000009FB8EFF970 0001:00000000001116E9 C:\Users\Server\Desktop\v1-Legion Server\Release\worldserver.exe

00007FFD090E1542 0000009FB8EFF9A0 _configthreadlocale+92

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB8EFF9D0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB8EFFA50 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E7E4 0000009FB90FF7A0 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+14

00007FFD0B9823D7 0000009FB90FFAA0 LdrAccessResource+15B7

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB90FFAD0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB90FFB50 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFD0BA0E7E4 0000009FB91FF5A0 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+14

00007FFD0B9823D7 0000009FB91FF8A0 LdrAccessResource+15B7

00007FFD0B2C6FD4 0000009FB91FF8D0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14

00007FFD0B9BCEC1 0000009FB91FF950 RtlUserThreadStart+21



Can you check if your Memory (ram) exceeds 100% while you open the Worldserver? It feels like it runs out of resources or so.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member

Can you check if your Memory (ram) exceeds 100% while you open the Worldserver? It feels like it runs out of resources or so.
Memory peaks at 5.3/13.8. Not even close to 100% while Worldserver loads. Something's up. I'm on a mission to install Windows on hardware instead of virtual machine. First to back "everything" up. Then cross my fingers.


Hmm, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas for this one. It's hard to debug at this point, because it could be a lot of things.

Did you try to open CMD, and type "CD "yourserverpath"" and type worldserver.exe? Then it will terminate exactly at the loading step it's occuring problems with. Maybe that can give us some information. It's a very long shot though, I'm afraid I don't have better suggestions as for right now.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Thanks guys. Turns out the server was panicking because /dbc was in the wrong folder. I'm probably the only one around that doesn't know the folder structure it is supposed to have. /shrug. Big thanks to White_T-Shirt for pointing that one out.
Seems that since it couldn't resolve the absense of that folder, the server dumps, but doesn't leave any comprehensible logs of why...
Anyway, back to a working server again.
Thanks ExO for putting in some time with me, while "I" panic'd. :)
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Thanks guys. Turns out the server was panicking because /dbc was in the wrong folder. I'm probably the only one around that doesn't know the folder structure it is supposed to have. /shrug. Big thanks to White_T-Shirt for pointing that one out.
Seems that since it couldn't resolve the absense of that folder, the server dumps, but doesn't leave any comprehensible logs of why...
Anyway, back to a working server again.
Thanks ExO for putting in some time with me, while "I" panic'd. :)
Oh great! Lovely that it finally works now. You definitely deserve that after so much time spent trying to set it up. Always silly when it's something simple like this, but at least it works now, and you know :)

Hope you will have a good time with it!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hi, I need to rehash this problem. It died on me again (Legion) and won't load. So in typical (Me) form, I started over from scratch.
I've rebuilt a brand new Windows 10 virtualbox.
Host hardware is AMD 4c8t and 64GB memory and Samsung Evo 860 SSD.
So this VM has 2 CPU and 16GB memory.

Install is very bare bones, just Windows 10.
- vcredist_x86-2008, then vc_redist.x64-2008, vc_redist.x64-2010, vc_redist.x64-2012, vc_redist.x64-2013, and vc_redist.x64-2015.
- Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1h (32bit) installed (and then) openssl-1.0.2r-x64_86-win64 dll's copied to /Release.
- 7z2000-x64
- HeidiSQL

- _Server.zip >> \v1\_Server\_Server
- DataFiles.rar >> \v1\Release\Data (contains: \cameras \dbc \maps \mmaps \vmaps (\gt is moved to \Release))
- Legion_Release.zip >> \v1\Release (contains: \Data \gt)

MySQL starts great.
bnetserver starts great.
worldserver starts, but it dumps out before worldserver finishes loading.

The MySQL auth db realmlist is default except for Address: localAddress:

>> It's exhausting to be this stupid!


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