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  1. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    From the info I know, there is someone who is developing the Paragon system for Trinitycore.. So just wait
  2. Z

    AzerothCore Individual Progression Single Player Repack (NPCBots)

    Update 1 Info: Core: Zaicopx AzerothCore-wotlk-with-NPCBots rev. 293676cdc975 Latest update on Dec 06, 2022 Mysql: root, ascent DOWNLOAD: AzerothCore Individual Progression Single Player Repack Update 1: Click Here! This is a how-to update repack: Remember to backup Inside AzerothCore...
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    [AzerothCore] 2021 AzerothCore-wotlk Solo Friendly Repack with Eluna

    WoW 3.3.5 HD Texture by Khyle
  4. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Some time ago I couldn't update my repack because of work and my family. This week I might be working on an update for trinitycore.
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    AzerothCore Individual Progression Single Player Repack (NPCBots)

    This is a WoW Wrath of the Lich King Single Player Repack built on AzerothCore. AzerothCore is more specialised for the WotLK expansion than TrinityCore (3.3.5) The NPCBots Module and Individual Player Progression Module added to AzerothCore allow you to now experience the thrill of single...
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    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Nope, all update is all in one so you just need latest update only.
  7. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    TrinityCore Update 5 You may download update 5 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. e49fc7014a36 with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Nov 12, 2022 Database: TDB 335.22101...
  8. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    TrinityCore Update 4 You may download update 4 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 9750cae55903 with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Nov 05, 2022 Database: TDB 335.22101...
  9. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    You just extract "TrinityCore Update 3.2.7z" then just copy paste or cut paste to "Single Player Server" Folder. Replace everything. You don't need to import the sql file using app in the update folder because worldserver.exe will automatically import the sql file to the database.
  10. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Have you used the latest update? I saw from your worldserver console that it was updated on Sept, 17 (rev. 343c3c921365) The latest update version 3.2 is the update on October, 22 (Rev. 840402a929b6)
  11. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    TrinityCore Update 3.2 You may download update 3.2 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 840402a929b6 with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Oct 22, 2022 Database: TDB...
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    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    TrinityCore Update 3.1 (Hotfix) You may download update 3.1 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 5f18eb753e84+ with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Oct 18, 2022 Database...
  13. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Update 2.1 You may download update 2.1 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. ba747878887422e0+ with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Oct 5, 2022 Database: TDB 335.22081...
  14. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Update 2 You may download update 2 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 1c3f14855e881fead72+ with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Oct 1, 2022 Database: TDB 335.22081...
  15. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    You’re welcome
  16. Z

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Hello again to all of you. You may download the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website. About this repack: Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. dd9858f91f79+ with Eluna LuaEngine Latest update on Sep 24, 2022 Database: TDB 335.22081...
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    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    WotLK Single Player Update 10 Release (March 23rd 2021)!! UPDATE. Some of the changes are listed below: - Update TrinityCore rev. 075fe608149b 2021-03-23 18:48:59 +0700 (3.3.5-Single-Player-10 branch) - Update NPCBots v4.9.41a - Racial Swap Skills Abilities NPC (To add npc you can use command...
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    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Because 7-zip provides the option to use .exe Is there a problem with .exe??