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TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)


Veteran Member
Hello again to all of you. You may download the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. dd9858f91f79+ with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Sep 24, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22081 (2022-08-15)

Also contain Update 01

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

It's been a while since I last posted here. Before, I had to deal with a lot of life's ups and downs. It is now time for me to attempt to repost my repack once more. Wish you could enjoy it.
Friends, I appreciate you so much.👍


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hello again to all of you. You may download the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. dd9858f91f79+ with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Sep 24, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22081 (2022-08-15)

Also contain Update 01

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

It's been a while since I last posted here. Before, I had to deal with a lot of life's ups and downs. It is now time for me to attempt to repost my repack once more. Wish you could enjoy it.
Friends, I appreciate you so much.👍
Many thanks to you man, I always liked your work and I hope that your life run well now! 🤘


Veteran Member
Update 2
You may download update 2 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 1c3f14855e881fead72+ with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Oct 1, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22081 (2022-08-15)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE


Veteran Member
Update 2.1
You may download update 2.1 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. ba747878887422e0+ with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Oct 5, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22081 (2022-08-15)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE


Veteran Member
TrinityCore Update 3.1 (Hotfix)
You may download update 3.1 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 5f18eb753e84+ with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Oct 18, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22081 (2022-08-15)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou
Last edited:


Veteran Member
TrinityCore Update 3.2
You may download update 3.2 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 840402a929b6 with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Oct 22, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22101 (2022-10-17)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou


Verified Member
TrinityCore Update 3.2
You may download update 3.2 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 840402a929b6 with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Oct 22, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22101 (2022-10-17)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou

Thankyou for working on this great repack. Can you help me understand the 'updater' folders though please. Inside Updater is multiple folders and subdiretories
I see lots of sql files in the subdirectories of 'old' (auth/char/world)
I see lots of sql files in the subdirectories of 'update' (auth/char/world)

Do I only need to add the ones from 'update'? And is there any way to do this quickly. That is a lot of files to open and run one at a time.

There is no mention about how to properly update in your 'how to:'


  1. Single Player Server: Click Here
  2. Data: Click Here
  3. Update 3.2: Click Here! <------------------ But where below in the server how-to is the information for properly updating in HeidiSQL etc
  4. Khyle's WotLK HD Texture: Click Here!
This is a server how-to:
  1. Unzip Single Player Server.7z
  2. Put data folder to Single Player Server folder
  3. Extract files inside TrinityCore Update xx.7z to your Single Player Server folder, replace it
  4. Inside that folder, run "Start Server.bat" file.
  5. Copy and paste your wow shortcut into the server folder so you can run wow.exe from the launcher server
    update folder???????

Thank you !

This is why I think I need to get these updates added: Created a group of bots to start at level 70, where I will go through all wotlk content to 80.
Starting in Utguarde Keep, I can only do 1 or 2 pulls before the server will keep showing this crash. So basically I cannot get anywhere. Haven't even made it to the first big room with the red proto-drakes yet lol

mage (me)

Tried change some group members with the same crash happening.

Last edited:


Veteran Member
Thankyou for working on this great repack. Can you help me understand the 'updater' folders though please. Inside Updater is multiple folders and subdiretories
I see lots of sql files in the subdirectories of 'old' (auth/char/world)
I see lots of sql files in the subdirectories of 'update' (auth/char/world)

Do I only need to add the ones from 'update'? And is there any way to do this quickly. That is a lot of files to open and run one at a time.

There is no mention about how to properly update in your 'how to:'


  1. Single Player Server: Click Here
  2. Data: Click Here
  3. Update 3.2: Click Here! <------------------ But where below in the server how-to is the information for properly updating in HeidiSQL etc
  4. Khyle's WotLK HD Texture: Click Here!
This is a server how-to:
  1. Unzip Single Player Server.7z
  2. Put data folder to Single Player Server folder
  3. Extract files inside TrinityCore Update xx.7z to your Single Player Server folder, replace it
  4. Inside that folder, run "Start Server.bat" file.
  5. Copy and paste your wow shortcut into the server folder so you can run wow.exe from the launcher server
    update folder???????

Thank you !

This is why I think I need to get these updates added: Created a group of bots to start at level 70, where I will go through all wotlk content to 80.
Starting in Utguarde Keep, I can only do 1 or 2 pulls before the server will keep showing this crash. So basically I cannot get anywhere. Haven't even made it to the first big room with the red proto-drakes yet lol

mage (me)

Tried change some group members with the same crash happening.

View attachment 2527
Have you used the latest update? I saw from your worldserver console that it was updated on Sept, 17 (rev. 343c3c921365)
The latest update version 3.2 is the update on October, 22 (Rev. 840402a929b6)


Verified Member
Have you used the latest update? I saw from your worldserver console that it was updated on Sept, 17 (rev. 343c3c921365)
The latest update version 3.2 is the update on October, 22 (Rev. 840402a929b6)

Its exactly what i'm asking above though. (which ones in that 3.2 update are the correct ones to run. Some of the folders inside that 3.2 update have tons of SQL files to run... surely I dont need to run them all? please please re-read what I have wrote above)


Veteran Member
Its exactly what i'm asking above though. (which ones in that 3.2 update are the correct ones to run. Some of the folders inside that 3.2 update have tons of SQL files to run... surely I dont need to run them all? please please re-read what I have wrote above)
You just extract "TrinityCore Update 3.2.7z" then just copy paste or cut paste to "Single Player Server" Folder. Replace everything.
You don't need to import the sql file using app in the update folder because worldserver.exe will automatically import the sql file to the database.


Verified Member
You just extract "TrinityCore Update 3.2.7z" then just copy paste or cut paste to "Single Player Server" Folder. Replace everything.
You don't need to import the sql file using app in the update folder because worldserver.exe will automatically import the sql file to the database.

Ahhh ok thanks for that information!


Veteran Member
TrinityCore Update 4
You may download update 4 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. 9750cae55903 with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Nov 05, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22101 (2022-10-17)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou


Veteran Member
TrinityCore Update 5
You may download update 5 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. e49fc7014a36 with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Nov 12, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22101 (2022-10-17)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou


Verified Member
TrinityCore Update 5
You may download update 5 for the single player repack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King from my website.

About this repack:
Core: Zaicopx TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots rev. e49fc7014a36 with Eluna LuaEngine
Latest update on Nov 12, 2022
Database: TDB 335.22101 (2022-10-17)

You can get my repack and update --> HERE

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou
Thanks, must I install update 4 above before using this new update 5 ?