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  1. F

    [NPC] Cowardly Deathwing spawned in badlands

    [Location, Faction, Race]Alterac Valley, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Badlands. Area [Problem Description] Cowardly deathwing spawned in badlands [How it should work] Doesn't belong here
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    [NPC] Alterac valley broken, all npcs have 1 hp?

    [Location, Faction, Race]Alterac Valley, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Alterac Valley, Battleground [Problem Description] All the npcs in alterac valley have 1 hp or sometimes 2, don't think that's normal [How it should work] NPCS should have more hp
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    [Quest] Eastern Plagueland storyline breaks

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] Fiora, NPC | Eastern Plaguelands main questline [Problem Description] Eventually around Light's shield tower the fiora questline breaks because all the npcs just disappear and are not in the position they are supposed...
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    [NPC] Lord Raymond George one shots

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] Lord Raymond George, NPC [Problem Description] Lord Raymond George one shots, you are supposed to kill him for Argent Call : The Trial of the Crypt [How it should work] Don't think he's supposed to one shot
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    [NPC] Hed'mush the Rotting spawning in wrong area and one shots

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] Hed'mush the Rotting, NPC [Problem Description] Found him spawned in Crown Guard Tower for some reason and he one shots, he spawns in the wrong area [How it should work] I'm pretty sure the correct area is in the video
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    [Quest] Into the flames

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] Into the flames, quest [Problem Description] You're supposed to throw Warlord Thresh'jin's into the bonfire to complete the quest, throwing his body into the bonfire doesn't do anything. [How it should work] Throwing...
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    [NPC] Warlord Thresh'jin very strong

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] Warlord Thresh'jin, NPC [Problem Description] Warlord Thresh'jin's damage is cracked, he one shot me. Difficult to complete quest solo cause of that [How it should work] Don't think he's supposed to do this much damage
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    [Quest] The Battle of Darrowshire

    [Location, Faction, Race]Eastern Plaguelands, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] The Battle of Darrowshire, Quest [Problem Description] Putting down the relic does not progress the quest, monsters don't spawn. [How it should work] Putting the relic down in the square is supposed to spawn enemies...
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    [NPC] Gory

    [Location, Faction, Race] Western Plaguelands, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Gory, NPC [Problem Description] Gory one shots [How it should work] Don't think Gory is supposed to be this strong
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    [Quest] Andorral Bugs

    Supporting the troops quest is sort of bugged, a lot of the andorhal deathguard do not count towards the quest objective
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    [Quest] Learning the ropes quest bugged

    This also means this means war quest is bugged
  12. F

    [Quest] Learning the ropes quest bugged

    [Location, Faction, Race] Western Plaguelands, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Learning the ropes, quest [Problem Description] To scare off the spiders you need to ride the Heartglen Mustang and use it's freighten ability to scare off the spiders but the horse doesn't have the ability [How it...
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    [NPC] Sorrow Hill Crypt Lord Maldazzar

    [Location, Faction, Race] Sorrow Hill Crpyt (Western Plaguelands) Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Sorrow Hill Crypt | Area [Problem Description] There is a lord maldazaar npc in the sorrow hill crypt that one shots and I do not think he is in the correct position either [How it should work]...
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    [Quest] Andorral Bugs

    [Location, Faction, Race]Andorral (Western Plaguelands), Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Scholomancer, Quest | Andorral, Area [Problem Description] The Scholomancer quest has a bug where Thassarian is supposed to help you fight Darkmaster Gandling but he just watches, also there is missing...
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    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    The suspicious torch doesn't open the hidden door so you can't kill fairbanks
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    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    This part of monastery is nearly impossible, there's like 20 of these npcs grouped up and they all do like 400 damage each, I did this dungeon in retail and it's way easier than what you guys have here
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    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    Armmaster Harlen also summons mobs that one shot and are elite, Ranked and file quest bugged don't get credit for killing scarlet crusaders and Flamweaver Kroeger just one shots everyone
  18. F

    [NPC] High Priestess Jeklik/High Priest Venoxis/Zul'gurub

    [Location, Faction, Race]Northern Stranglehold, Night Elf, Alliance [Name, Type] High Priestess Jeklik/High Priest Venoxis/Zul'gurub', Area/Quest [Problem Description] The bosses you're supposed to kill for this quest are elite mobs that one shot you, they have 100k+ hp but they're supposed...
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    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    [Location, Faction, Race]Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Halls [Name, Type] Scarlet Monastery dungeon/Ranked and File, quest [Problem Description] The enemies in this dungeon do way too much damage, the npc bot can barely tank and it's an almost impossible dungeon at low levels, Thalnos basically...
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    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Ty I try it out