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[Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy


Veteran Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Halls
  • [Name, Type] Scarlet Monastery dungeon/Ranked and File, quest
  • [Problem Description] The enemies in this dungeon do way too much damage, the npc bot can barely tank and it's an almost impossible dungeon at low levels, Thalnos basically one shots everyone in the party. Armmaster Harlen summons elite mobs "Scarlet Defenders" that one shot and have 100k+ hp. Ranked and file quest does not give credit for killing scarlet crusaders. Flameweaver Kroeger just one shots everyone and his books are 400k hp so you can't kill them
  • [How it should work] Enemies should do less damage and shouldn't have 100k+ hp and one shot. Rank and file quest should give credit for killing scarlet crusaders so you can complete the quest. Flameweaver Kroeger's damage needs to be fixed
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Veteran Member
Armmaster Harlen also summons mobs that one shot and are elite, Ranked and file quest bugged don't get credit for killing scarlet crusaders and Flamweaver Kroeger just one shots everyone
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Veteran Member
This part of monastery is nearly impossible, there's like 20 of these npcs grouped up and they all do like 400 damage each, I did this dungeon in retail and it's way easier than what you guys have here


Veteran Member
I retuned all of the mobs in this dungeon, all of them... The archers, the bosses, even the lvl 90 the armsmaster summons. Id fix that but I dont know how, its a script somewhere but this shits so buggy i cba, so I just nerfed the fuckers down, and since they despawn when the armsmaster dies, its no biggie. What grinds the ever living shit out of my gears though is that fucking quest. I even changed the mob needed to be killed in mop_world:QUEST_OBJECTIVE (Quest ID 31,490 changed object ID to 59,175) which is the scarlet archers, and changed to need only 8 of them, but it didnt do any good. I tried .reload quest, and that didnt work. I tried rebooting world server to fix, and it changes the text when you talk to her, but when you accept the quest it still requires 50 useless mobs that dont exist. I tried even spawning in the mobs in question and they wont even spawn! It's like they either dont exist, arent coded, or bugged or some shit. So fuck it, im giving up on this waste of time and calling it good. Hell, id disable the NPC entirely if it didnt mean it would break 25 other things but oh well, it is what it is.