Search results

  1. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Just as a note to users who are not in the discord support channels; the fix for this is creating the items that are in the store that are missing. In this case, the gold creation items are what cause your server to crash. In order to find what items you need to make or delete, you can always...
  2. K

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Appreciated, will be checking this out eventually
  3. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    So the shop will only crash if you have items in the store that are non-existent compared to your active database. If you are in the discord, could you tag me and provide me with your DBErrors.log file? I can search for the missing item myself if you'd like.
  4. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Hey there, 1. I am looking into that as we speak, as thats something I am interested in as well. 2. I do not know how to add money to battle net account balance since the battle net system is not ACTIVELY a part of the game, however I am sure when the configuration files and other misc files...
  5. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Added the mounts tab SQL to the main post, will add more as I continue to do it but this is not my main priority :P
  6. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Does this look accurate?
  7. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    If you can tell me what is in the blizzlike MoP shop, it can be very easily created for you :)
  8. K

    5.4.8 Battle Pay Shop

    Since this also seems to be something that people heavily desire, I have attached the files for the battle pay shop that I currently use. Included in this battle pay shop is : Download - Updated 1-25-2022 @ 4:17 PM EST Custom Features ------------------------------------------ All legendary...
  9. K

    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    Upon doing further research with users on discord; It seems the items are not being created in the database as they should be properly. I will be uploading and updating the queries in the main post shortly to provide the item data that will allow this to function. Thank you for your patience.
  10. K

    Making Server Public?

    The easiest way to do this without port forwarding is to : Step 1 : Download Hamachi ( - be sure to read the options, decline all the additional offers Step 2 : Set up a network on hamachi Step 3 : Take your hamachi IP and plug it into the worlserver.config +...
  11. K

    Temporary Auctionhouse "Bot" for 5.4.8 Repack

    Hey there everyone, I know with the release of the 5.4.8 repack, players may be itching to do everything by themselves and truly enjoy the experience the repack brings. With that in mind, I found that without a working auctionhouse bot, it was rather difficult to continuously gather supplies for...
  12. K

    [Trinity 3.3.5a] Cannot create custom Loot

    Often times when you experience issues with looting gameobjects it has to deal with the locking data, or that the lootID was not properly set in the game object. Both of these instances would result in an error being shot out to the worldserver logs. Is it possible that you could provide us with...
  13. K

    Running two Servers from a single DNS ?

    Hey there @Drakeboy, please refer to this quick post here I just outlined how to get multiple servers running on the same nameserver.
  14. K

    Mysql / Auth Server

    The best thing for you to do is have a single MySQL server and Auth server, but separate world servers. Then you change the realmID for the worldserver, and the port, as well as the character and world databases. This would split your server and keep it on the same realmlist. To clarify ...
  15. K

    MoP 5.4.8 DBC Editing

    Unfortunately a lot of the programs that are built for editing DBCs are meant specifically for 3.3.5 unless specifically stated. The dbc structures have changed dramatically between 3.3.5 and 5.4.8 with the addition of db2 files. The presence of a 5.4.8 core would not provide you with any...
  16. K

    mmaps server error log.

    Unfortunately this is also a known issue by ExO and it has to deal with the mmaps not being generated properly from the client that was used to extract the map files, that or there was a configuration issue/error while extracting. The best way to combat this issue would be to go into the...
  17. K

    NPCbot - Reduce threat (v15)

    1. The NPC bots have a configuration in the worldserver.config that would allow you to reduce their overall damage output, that would be one method of reducing their damage output. 2. As far as threat generation goes for bots, unfortunately the only way you'd be able to reduce or get rid of...
  18. K

    Disable Deserter Penalty for Dungeons?

    If you are unable to disable the dungeon deserter in config, the method for disabling unwanted spells would be as follows 1. Go into game and lookup the spell in question (in this case, 71041 is the dungeon deserter and we will disable 144075 as well just incase as I believe this is the hidden...