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[Trinity 3.3.5a] Cannot create custom Loot


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Hello there,

so me and my brother are working on a big funserver project and we're currently running into an annoying issue. We can't create any custom loot or chests in general. I created a new gameobject, gave it a nice display id of an chest, but you can't open the chest and loot it.

Yes, i created an entry in gameobject_loot_template and yes the ids are matching, i double or even triplechecked and copy pasted it and all. You just can't loot the chest. Btw the gameobject type is correct aswell. You can't even loot the gold amount i set in the gameobject_template_addon table.

I ended up working around that problem using a LUA gossip menu and that works semi good. I was able to make it lootable with the gossip, but i can't despawn the gameobject somehow. In addition to that, my lua skills are quite minimal, so we'd prefer it to be "vanilla lootable".

My question is, does anyone have similiar issues with custom loot or do i need to change anything in the DBC? Mentionable that the loot uses custom items. "Coins" to be more specific, but as item, not currency. That coin is in the server DBC and client DBC (we're using our own MPQ Patch for that) and it is working fine ingame.

The server is running on TrinityCore rev. f34a889f1529 2020-04-26, including ElunaEngine. (Yeah we know it is outdated)


Verified Member
Often times when you experience issues with looting gameobjects it has to deal with the locking data, or that the lootID was not properly set in the game object. Both of these instances would result in an error being shot out to the worldserver logs. Is it possible that you could provide us with that log if anything shows up?

As far as my recommendations would go, make sure to copy a Game object that you know already works. Identify the column that holds the gameobject loot ID, and copy all of the loot from the gameobject_loot_template into the new ID as well. Update all of the IDS to correspond to the new lootable gameobject, and see if it functions like that.

Sometimes gameobjects have loot in them based on the `conditions` database table, so make sure to use something like a battered chest, or some dutotar/elwynn level chest.