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Disable Deserter Penalty for Dungeons?


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Does anyone have a method for disabling the deserter penalty when leaving a dungeon prematurely? In the MoP 5.4.8 VIP repack, there are a few minor issues in some dungeons which prevent some of them from completing, and if you leave the group, you get the deserter penalty.

I disabled the deserter penalty for BGs, but did not see an option in the config file to do the same for dungeons.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Does anyone have a method for disabling the deserter penalty when leaving a dungeon prematurely? In the MoP 5.4.8 VIP repack, there are a few minor issues in some dungeons which prevent some of them from completing, and if you leave the group, you get the deserter penalty.

I disabled the deserter penalty for BGs, but did not see an option in the config file to do the same for dungeons.
Do tell if you find a way, I wasn't able to find one


Verified Member
If you are unable to disable the dungeon deserter in config, the method for disabling unwanted spells would be as follows

1. Go into game and lookup the spell in question (in this case, 71041 is the dungeon deserter and we will disable 144075 as well just incase as I believe this is the hidden dungeon queue lockout)
2. Go to the database and enter the world database table "Disables"
3. Create a new entry that looks like this : (use these queries and it will create them for you)
INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 71041, 1, '', '', 'Disable Dungeon Deserter');
INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 144075, 1, '', '', 'Disable Dungeon Deserter Part 2');
INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 71328, 1, '', '', 'Disable Dungeon Deserter Part 3');
4. Restart server or use .reload disables
5. Should be fine now :)

(Updated - Part 3 is the hidden dungeon cooldown que)
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MoP Premium
Verified Member
If you are unable to disable the dungeon deserter in config, the method for disabling unwanted spells would be as follows

1. Go into game and lookup the spell in question (in this case, 71041 is the dungeon deserter and we will disable 144075 as well just incase as I believe this is the hidden dungeon queue lockout)
2. Go to the database and enter the world database table "Disables"
3. Create a new entry that looks like this : (use these queries and it will create them for you)

4. Restart server or use .reload disables
5. Should be fine now :)

(Updated - Part 3 is the hidden dungeon cooldown que)

This worked and I love you <3