Search results

  1. Audioplayonline

    Beware of scammer Splicho

    Images don't prove shit, images can be altered.. Neither does it prove anything when you say you didn't download the files, however you still know that the files he attempted to send you are not the files promised. How do you even know?? if you didn't download the files??
  2. Audioplayonline

    Beware of scammer Splicho

    this shit hurts my eyes, Focus I'm sorry, your main language probably isn't English, and it truly shows. Your wall of texts are seriously hard to read with the amount of grammatical errors and typos in it. So I'm not even gonna bother. I don't know even know Splicho, but from what I have read...
  3. Audioplayonline

    The Reunion Reborn - Midrate WOTLK Server!

    What core are we running? A Modified AzerothCore. Are there still Realm's First Available? Yes there is still a good bit of realm's first available. Current Features: - Transmorg. - Free Duel Specialization. - Free Talent resets. - Portal Master. - Receive Giftboxes every 10 levels. Coming...