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  1. Audioplayonline

    Selling Best Quality Gmail Accounts

    aka hacked accounts, yikes.
  2. Audioplayonline

    Selling Best Quality Gmail Accounts

    Why would someone wanna buy a gmail account? people can create it for free?
  3. Audioplayonline

    Quest To Get To Vashj'ir Bugged

    This quest really needs to be fixed in v18, it's been too long of not being fixed.
  4. Audioplayonline

    [Quest] Call of Duty - Vashj'ir

    This quest fixed would really help, as its the quest to get to Vashj'ir.
  5. Audioplayonline

    Issues in Searing Gorge (VIP V4)

    A solution for the first 2 issues, you can tell the bots to stop attacking neutral mobs, by typing in chat: .bots aggressive 0 That will stop them from attacking yellow (neutral) colored mobs. This command only works for the current group you are in. So if were to leave that group and group...
  6. Audioplayonline

    warlock soulstone crash

    can confirm that the skill indeed sometimes causes the server to crash, this should be a high priority to be resolved, possibly in the upcoming hotfix release?
  7. Audioplayonline

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Yes it did.
  8. Audioplayonline

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Thank you Blackvision!
  9. Audioplayonline

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    I get errors trying to execute this in the database, it's asking for a WHERE claus or something. When ignoring that and continue'ing it gives the following error: any idea?
  10. Audioplayonline

    [Quest] Too many broken quests to list

    I think this core is based off of SkyFireEMU, however if you compare this core to SkyFire, this core is way ahead of SkyFireEMU.
  11. Audioplayonline

    [Quest] Too many broken quests to list

    It's a private source ;P were this open source it would have been a lot more likely that Loremaster would be achievable :) I don't know how many people exactly work on this source now, but don't expect quests to work most likely never or at least not anytime soon.
  12. Audioplayonline

    low level dungeon bots

    can confirm, bots in the first 10 levels (15-25) after your able to do Dungeons starting level 1`5, it's really painful, because the bots behave very weirdly and die really really quick. Mainly because they feel the need to pull big packs of mobs that they simply can't handle. This doesn't...
  13. Audioplayonline

    [V4] Tons of Crashing - Super Unstable

    This seems to be random though, The server for me is now at 5 days uptime with around 4 to 8 players on it (with 1000 bots).
  14. Audioplayonline

    [Other] Multiple Bug Reports in 1 Thread!

    I've decided to create one thread with Bugs I've collected over the last week or so. There is more then these that my friends have written down on their own, but I've yet to receive those reports. So I will make separate threads for some of those issues. However I believe the issues I'm going to...
  15. Audioplayonline

    [NPC] PlayerBot - MISTWALKER - BUFF Legacy of The Emperor Overload

    Same happens with Druid [Mark of The Wild] and Paladin [Blessing of Kings] buffs
  16. Audioplayonline

    Pandaren starting zone gate not opening

    Thanks, I was planning to report it today, but I see you already done it.
  17. Audioplayonline

    Changelog MoP VIP 4 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach

    That error is related to OpenSSL 1.1, install it and you should be good, check the MOP FAQ:
  18. Audioplayonline

    MoP VIP V2 - Only 50 Bots in World?

    the /who only shows 50 players/bots. But in reality there is more then the number is shows.
  19. Audioplayonline

    Beware of scammer Splicho

    You said this: [screenshot link] But in this image i quoted Darksider clearly says: "it's FusionCMS" like wtf, so you are lying then? you clearly stated it wasn't neither FusionCMS or WarcryCMS. I just think this entire thread is hilarious honestly, I'm kinda...
  20. Audioplayonline

    Beware of scammer Splicho

    damn, you used the Google Translator insult? while your texts are complete and utterly full of grammatical errors and typos??? oof.. now that is ironically funny.