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[NPC] PlayerBot - MISTWALKER - BUFF Legacy of The Emperor Overload


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
  • MoP_V4

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Playerbot in group or raid any faction / race

  • [Name, Type] Mistwalker / Ret Pally / Ballance Druid
  • Legacy of The Emperor Overload / Blessing Of Kings / Mark of the Wild

  • [Problem Description] regardless of number of bot (singular/multi) the PlayrBot Will Constantly Apply The Buff .
  • Although not game breaking . as a headphone user the repeated buff sound does break sanity after a while lol...

  • [How it should work] Single Cast , and no Override if detected
  • Single Application for the Set 60 min Duration of the buff

Regard Cairn

1st bug Report here :feedback welome


Trial Member
Yes, can confirm this bug. Really annoying especially with [Legacy of the Emperor].

A workaround that worked for me, is to disable the buggy spells using a GM account.
1. Log into your GM account
2. type ".disable add spell <id> 1 <comment>" and hit enter

Replace <id> with the spell id and <comment> with a comment explaining why you disabled the spell (or anything really).

Example to disable [Mark of the Wild]
.disable add spell 1126 1 bug

Example to disable [Legacy of the Emperor]
.disable add spell 115921 1 bug
.disable add spell 117667 1 bug

115921 is the spell, 117667 is the buff. I just disabled both.

(I did not run into a problem with [Blessing of Kings] yet. So I still have it activated.)

3. type "saveall" into the console of the world server and hit enter
4. restart the world server
5. You (and the bots) should no longer be able to cast the deactivated spell

To re-enable a spell login to your GM account and type
.disable remove spell <id>

How to find out the spell id?
I used the WoW Client plugin IDTip.
You could also try the GM command ".lookup spell <name of the spell>"
Example: .lookup spell Mark of the