Search results

  1. Venetica

    V13.1 Solocraft 1v1 Arena

    I don't think that's a bug. The script probably wants to prevent you from logging in as a tank. A config setting would still be great.
  2. Venetica

    V13.1 Solocraft 1v1 Arena

    Maybe. But we cant change it, because its a Script :D
  3. Venetica

    V13.1 Solocraft 1v1 Arena

    You cant. If you are on Tankspec you cant queue. Only DD and Heal.
  4. Venetica

    WOW-C.COM - Online Item Creation

    Yes. Please read your Mails. I have write you an Mail on Google. I interested on this Site. Maybe we can talk about the Price :)
  5. Venetica

    V13.1 Crash

    First Crash. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EC\emucoach2020\src\server\game\Entities\Object\Object.h:948 in WorldObject::GetMap ASSERTION FAILED: m_currMap [0xc4254] [0x5f8948] [0x45c200] [0x38cf80] [0x275d8a] [0xb3db3] [0xb3c14] [0x4030ef] [0x658dd9] ACE_Task_Base::svc_run()+0x41 [0x86e41]...
  6. Venetica

    Free 20€ Hetzner Coupon for New Customers [Referral]

    Englisch I am offering my reflink for Hetzner here. There you get € 20 credit for server, cloud, web space and more. You support me if you spend at least 10 € after the 20 €. The smallest VPS starts there at € 2.90. This means that a server is covered for at least half a year. Here the Link...
  7. Venetica

    SRV Records for Different Realmserver Ports

    Hey. I have more Realmservers on different Ports. 3724 is the Standard Port and this Port not need a SRV record. But what is the Servicename for Trinity, Jadecore, Azeroth and some another Cores? I try a Realmserver on Port 3725. But then the Clients must write "set realmlist IP:3725" and now...
  8. Venetica

    WOW-C.COM - Online Item Creation

    Can you share this Project pls for use on own Apache? Because the Site is allready offline :/
  9. Venetica

    [4.3.4 & 3.3.5] VIP Vendor, VIP Only Script

    Thanks for this
  10. Venetica

    V13 Lost City of the Tol'Vir Fixes

    Thanks for this Fix.
  11. Venetica

    JadeCore 5.4.7 Mall Vendor and Xuen for Hunter

    Have a few small SQL scripts for you for the JadeCore 5.4.7. Xuen as a wild animal to tame for the hunter. Level 90 - ID 888002 Xuen als Wildtier JadeCore 5.4.7 - PasteScript NPC vendor when you reach level 90. StartGear to equip S12 PVP Equip for gold. ID 888001 Vendor: Start S12 PVP Vendor...
  12. Venetica

    Spawning Bosses in World Crash the Server

    When spawning Boss in World the Server will Crash. Example: I will Spawn 55869 (Elizabeth) Baradin on a Custom Instance or Raid and the Server crash? Why?
  13. Venetica

    Instance - Crash Server when deletet NPCs

    My English is bad. I go in Instance, when i spawn NPC or deletet the Server will be Crash. And on the Pic is: c/user/sandstorm/project kef From where is this?