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  1. Venetica

    FusionCMS / FusionGen Bugtracker Module

    File-Upload is online :)
  2. Venetica

    Count To 2.000

  3. Venetica

    Deathknight Teleporter HACKFIX

    Not Fixed :/
  4. Venetica

    [Free] Quality FusionCMS Theme - Armageddon - Custom Coded Design

    Its very nice, but very slowly. All Pages loading 10 Seconds. I dont know why :D
  5. Venetica

    FusionCMS / FusionGen Bugtracker Module

    Darksider is not the sole owner of the module. Several people have worked on this module and the bug tracker is no longer being sold. Last it was run by Warforge, who built in SQLi. After reporting to Darksider, he explained to me that the bug tracker had already been stolen from Warforge. After...
  6. Venetica

    FusionCMS / FusionGen Bugtracker Module

    I forgot the SQL for the database. I have re-uploaded it.
  7. Venetica

    FusionCMS / FusionGen Bugtracker Module

    Fully Working Premium Bugtracker Download: If Download not work on file-upload try this Mirror You can use and upload it like this. I have already...
  8. Venetica

    Count To 2.000

  9. Venetica

    Changelog (V13.1) - VIP Cataclysm (Old release)

    Please implement a VIP Function in V14. VIP get more XP, Gold Rate etc. I'm looking forward to V14 :)
  10. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    Then spawn the NPC ID 56575 manuel on the Plate.
  11. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    I think because it's just CREATURE. The game object is actually still missing.
  12. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    The Fix spawn the Tendons. Look in this Video. Is Germany but work:
  13. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Zon'ozz Encounter in 25 Mode SQL FIX

    Yeah on 10 Mode. On 25 not.
  14. Venetica

    Ultraxion's Chest | V13 solocraft |

    Here the Fix:
  15. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Zon'ozz Encounter in 25 Mode SQL FIX

    The NPC INSERT INTO `creature_template`(`entry`, `difficulty_entry_1`, `difficulty_entry_2`, `difficulty_entry_3`, `KillCredit1`, `KillCredit2`, `modelid1`, `modelid2`, `modelid3`, `modelid4`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`, `gossip_menu_id`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `exp`, `exp_unk`, `faction_a`...
  16. Venetica

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    This Fix spawn the "Burning Tendons" on the right Place. You can now collect 9 Stucks and let explode to show the Burning Tendons. Then Kill, and the Backplate wil go away. Here the Fix for 10 Mode INSERT INTO `creature`(`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`...
  17. Venetica

    Yor'Sahj Encounter FIX-SQL

    Very nice. Here my Fix with NPC (Look like the Dragon) The NPC INSERT INTO `creature_template`(`entry`, `difficulty_entry_1`, `difficulty_entry_2`, `difficulty_entry_3`, `KillCredit1`, `KillCredit2`, `modelid1`, `modelid2`, `modelid3`, `modelid4`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`...
  18. Venetica

    Dragon Soul Ultraxion Encounter FIX-SQL

    Very nice. Thanks
  19. Venetica

    V13.1 Gold Repack "Deathwing Madness" Thrall dont Start the Fight

    I create new NPC with Gossip and let him look like Eiendormi. He port to next Boss :D
  20. Venetica

    V13.1 Gold Repack "Deathwing Madness" Thrall dont Start the Fight

    Hello, i use the V13 and V13.1 Repack. I fixxed the Fight with DeathwingSpine and i spawn the Tendons and the Fight work. After the Fight, the Group port to Maelstrom. But Thrall dont start the Fight. Maybe a little DB fix, because Thrall have a Gossip and a Spell.