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  1. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    So you leech and not even thanks
  2. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    Nothing to say but leech huh
  3. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    So Df is out and you hope for SL?
  4. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    @Yuraky Not even a thanks huh
  5. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    @Yuraky Leech and no thanks huh
  6. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    @Johnny Smoke leech and not even thanks. Wow
  7. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Seems where you lie and show no appreciation.
  8. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    @weregrimedbyme Could not even say thanks. Well thanks for showing what you are.
  9. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Any chance the people that want it help pay for it? Oh snap, no seems they just want it for free. Someone to reverse it and then provide it so they get everything for free.
  10. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    Shadowlands updated