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  1. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Seeing I am unable to update my link in the main topic. I post it here instead. Link
  2. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Seeing people want to post quote and leech a link. That a pity, as I cannot update, my link yet because a mod disabled the edit.
  3. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    @Likon69 any idea why I cannot edit my main topic now? Means I am not able to post an updated link now
  4. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    World of Warcraft Classic (Wrath Of the Lich King) September 23rd, 2022 | Release 2.1.27578 GENERAL Guide Viewer Added - Added option to skip "Visit a vendor" steps.
  5. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    @diverzifikal got nothing to say and not even thanks.
  6. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    I have released it for months
  7. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    Glad to help out.
  8. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Latest release posted.
  9. Rain

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    Updated World of Warcraft Classic World of Warcraft Classic (Wrath Of the Lich King) World of Warcraft Shadowlands
  10. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    It only includes the first 1-30 If people choose not to fully extract and install it correctly. Works for everyone else. But the people choose not to extract it and install it fully. Blame the addon when there is nothing wrong with it.
  11. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Good effort... Was it worth it?
  12. Rain

    50$ WORTH (FOR FREEE) - Ultimate All Factions & Dungeon Cleave Guide 1-80 – All Classes (UPDATED SEP 2022)

    It has it because it is my file that they took with no credit. So I posted my topic, with my file, with my build. As this is my file they posted.
  13. Rain

    ~~How To Get Lifetime Spotify Premium~~ FREE!

    Does this still work in 2022?
  14. Rain

    Dugí Guides addon Classic | TBC | Wrath | Retail

    Hidden content
  15. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    Sure, which ever is easier and helps out more people.
  16. Rain

    RéstedXP Addon All Dragonflight, Cata & Era

    I should put what post in the other section?