Search results

  1. michell87

    4.3.4 Cataclysm Core

    deve oferecer um servidor de teste. Alguém compraria às cegas?
  2. michell87

    Language French MOP V5 VIP

    That would be a lot of work, I can't believe someone would do that for free.
  3. michell87

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Excellent professional. I bought a theme from him and recommend it to everyone.
  4. michell87

    Restore Character Deleted Module FusionCMS & FusionGen (free)

    Very good friend, great contribution to the community.
  5. michell87

    Account Status / Unban Account/ character Module FusionCMS & FusionGen (Free)

    Very good friend, great contribution to the community.
  6. michell87

    Character Tools Module FusionCMS & FusionGEN (Free)

    Very good friend, great contribution to the community.
  7. michell87

    Adobe Master Collection 2021

    Tested and approved! 🟢
  8. michell87

    Truice 2.0 for Cata & MoP
  9. michell87

    [Warcry BR] - Cataclysm Private Server

    Did you like the website? pt-BR
  10. michell87

    Fusioncms installation host to vps?

    how to make fusioncms communicate with database on a vps server? Note: fusioncms will be on website hosting and the database will be on a vps server. Does fusioncms communicate remotely with MySQL?
  11. michell87

    Which VPS to choose at the same price?

    OR The difference between them is only in vCPU and NVME.
  12. michell87

    [Warcry BR] - Cataclysm Private Server

    Brazilian Cataclysm Private Server Repack Emucoach - VIP V18 Rates - 10X Exp - 07X Gold - 07X Items - Honor 2X - Profession and Reputation 1X - Double XP and Profession weekend Web This server has no interest in Profit, server for fun, shop/Items just to fund the...
  13. michell87

    New Design - Showoff

    good job! :p
  14. michell87


    What I found most funny about the site is Design by Djsanja 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OH! He was the one who designed this website.
  15. michell87


  16. michell87

    WTB working Cata 4.3.4 sources

    It will cost a lot, but very expensive with all these requirements.
  17. michell87

    home page - Burning Crusader

    I didn't create it, I found it somewhere. now it is in my Pendrive safely.